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Eris stared curiously at the city they were riding through; the kingdom of Shadowvale was very different from Cenia, and just by seeing it, one would know that. They had just ridden into Shadowvale almost thirty minutes after passing the western border - which was way easier than Eris expected it to be. No questions, just a deep bow to Ahren, or maybe it was also meant for the rest of the demons; Eris didn't know. All she knew was that the warlocks guarding the border pleasantly opened the magic-warded barrier and let them into their kingdom. This only made her more curious about the identity of the demons, especially Kael's.

With their majestic horses and commanding presence, the demons and Eris rode through the town with Ahren leading them, but there was no sign of hostility from the witches. Forget hostility; they didn't mind one bit and even bowed whenever their eyes met the demons.

Unable to understand why they were doing that, she settled with ignoring it and instead took in everything she could about one of the largest and most populated cities in the kingdom. Rierl was a sight to behold in the afternoon when the sun shimmered off the towering structures, casting long shadows across the cobblestone streets. The air carried a mix of enchanting fragrances from the various magical shops lining the bustling market square - from enchanted artifacts to mystical ingredients; potion shops and magical trinket shops all lined the streets.

Demons, witches, warlocks, alchemists, corrupted mages, and others moved through the city, excluding humans. Shadowvale was known to house all supernatural and magical beings except for humans, similar to Ethrinia - the kingdom of the Vampires.

The reason? Well, it was simple. Humans and mages viewed Vahdron, Shadowvale, and Ethrinia as unholy and evil lands, where the purest of hearts and virtuous ones would be corrupted once they set foot onto the soil. Tales of how dreary and devilish the three kingdoms were have been spread by humans throughout the millennium, deepening their fear and disgust for the kingdoms and their inhabitants. Eris didn't believe in all those made-up lies called tales, nor did she care about the demons, witches, or vampires. She wasn't saying that they were upstanding; no, they were the complete opposite, but as long as they didn't bother her, she didn't mind their existence.

She was also going to benefit from this because by the time her father searched the whole of Cenia for her; if he was ever searching for her, she would have left Shadowvale. By the time any attempts were made to enter Shadowvale due to unfounded beliefs and conflicts between witches and mages, she would have crossed the Tali sea and gotten to Ethrinia, by that time, they would never be able to find her.

The thought brought a subtle smile to her lips.

"What are you smiling about?" One of the demons who was riding beside her and had been watching her asked when he saw her smile.

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