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          Inside the King's study, the man sitting at the large, polished oak table looked down at his papers, not focusing on anything in particular; he was too preoccupied with thinking about the kingdom's well-being.

"Your Majesty?" His Advisor called, breaking his thoughts. He snapped back to reality as he heard the advisor speak again. "I know that you are worried, but I'm sure that this will pass just like the others."

The King looked at the older man; his face was emotionless, except for the hard glint in his hazel eyes that seemed to stare right into his soul. "I don't think so, Conrad," he murmured. "This is different. This isn't a simple conflict between citizens and the kingdom; it's a rebel. The people are rebelling. They want answers, solutions to the problems that plague our lands...and we have none."

Conrad let his words sink in. The king knew that the Kingdom of Cenia was in crisis, and its problems were not easy to solve. Famine and drought were hitting the kingdom in harsh waves, causing people to fall ill and die of starvation. The citizens were in terror, and while some claimed that it was a crisis that would eventually cease, some said that the kingdom was cursed—paying for the crimes of the previous kings.

“Are there any responses from the kingdoms?" The king asked, pulling Conrad out of his reverie.

“No, Your Majesty, there have been none."

Leaning back, the king pinched the space between his eyebrows before letting his hands fall tiredly at his sides. They had sent letters to the neighboring kingdom, which was their ally, asking for help, but so far none have sent a reply or shown any interest in helping them.

A few seconds passed, and a knock came from the large study door.

“Your Majesty, a royal private messenger from Vahdron seeks your audience." The king's eunuch announced.

The king's brows furrowed as he sat up, “Vahdron? What is a messenger from Vahdron doing here?" They didn't send any letter to the kingdom of Vahdron, so he wondered what they wanted.

“Let him in!" The king ordered.

The doors opened, and a man in a messenger's uniform with the symbol of Vahdron on his chest walked in, holding a sealed letter.

“Your Majesty–" he bowed– “I'm here to deliver a letter from Her Majesty, The Queen Mother of Vahdron."

A letter from the Queen Mother of the kingdom of Vahdron?

The frown on Conrad's and the king's countenance deepened as they listened to the messenger's words.

“You can raise your head and give the letter to him," The king instructed the messenger, who immediately complied, handing over the letter to Conrad, who in turn gave it to the king.

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