Alejandro: Perfect. How about we team up. Because from the looks of your rankings, you might need it.

Jaxx: But-

Alejandro: The only person you can manipulate is Sora. I'll take care of everyone else.

Jaxx: What about Jessica?

Alejandro: Simple. Make her crazy for you. Just like how you make Sora crazy for you.

Jaxx: I don't know.

Alejandro: It's either you team up with me or say goodbye to living the life of Paris France.

Alejandro: And also, the more you manipulate people. The bigger chance of you winning. So are you in?

Jaxx: .........

- Jaxx smiled evilly-

[ Jaxx's Confessional:

Hahaha! I mean, I never said I wouldn't manipulate people again. And if I did forget that I said it.

I won the Ultimate Competition through manipulation so why not do it again. Hahahahahaha! ]

Jaxx: I'm in.

Jessica: Hey Alejandro. You wanted to see me?

Jaxx: Hey Jessica.

Jessica: Oh. You didn't tell me Jaxx would be here.

Alejandro: *sigh* Okay so. Jaxx and I are planning to team up and eliminate each and every contestant on this show.

Jaxx: And we need a 3rd person. Will you join us?

Jessica: Yes!

Alejandro: Nice.

[ Alejandro's Confessional:

The thing is Jaxx doesn't know about the little alliance Alex formed. My goal is to mess with all 5 of their heads until they get eliminated.

Starting off with Layla. ]

Alejandro: I'll try to mess with Layla for a while.

Jaxx: But she's dating Levi.

Alejandro: I don't care. That guy doesn't even deserve to love a beautiful woman like her.

Jessica: Who should I go for?


Jaxx: We'll tell you later. Go bring us some water.

Alejandro: Now!

Jessica: Okay.

- Jessica walked away-

Jaxx: Hahaha! Man I missed manipulating people!

Back in The kitchen

Amy: Jessica left her ring.

Luca: That's her ring? It's probably fake.

Sora: She said her "boyfriend" gave it to her as an "anniversary" gift.

Amy: That bitch doesn't have a boyfriend.

Luca: Yeah. I'm gonna flush it down the toilet.

Sora: Do it. That'll show her who she's dealing with.

[ Luca's Confessional:

I don't like Jessica. She's fake, annoying just like Levi. I think it's time for her to go home. ]

- Jessica came downstairs and saw that her ring went missing. Luca came back from the downstairs bathroom-

Jessica: Have any of you guys seen my ring?

Sora: Your ring?

Jessica: Amy have you seen my ring?

Amy: Oh..... no I-

Luca: I flushed your ring down the toilet.


Jessica: What?!

Luca: I flushed your ring down the toilet.

Jessica: What is wrong with you?! My boyfriend gave me that for our anniversary!

Luca: You don't even have a boyfriend.

Sora: Yeah no guy would date you!

Jessica: Shut the fuck up Sora!

Amy: Don't talk to my bestie like that bitch!

Jessica: I can talk to him however I want!

Amy: ........

Amy: You're lucky today's my birthday and I'm trying to be nice or else you would've been bleeding by now.

Luca: Yeah. Now I'm glad I did flush your ring down the toilet.

Jessica: You!

- Jessica pushed Luca-

Jessica: You're nothing more than a jealous bitch!

Layla: I can literally hear you guys all the way outside.

Alex: Yeah. What is going on?

Luca: This crazy lady pushed me!

Jessica: He flushed my ring down the toilet!

Alex: Girl that ring is probably a fake one.

Layla: Yeah. I seriously doubt you had enough money to buy yourself a ring.

Jessica: My boyfriend bought me that ring!

Luca: Your boyfriends probably ugly just like you.

Jessica: Shut up! You and Sora are done for!

Alex: Hold on Jessica! I tried to be nice to you but now that you threatened my friends. I don't like you.

Amy: Alex nobody in this house likes her!

Luca: Yeah just go home already!

Jaxx: Hey baby.

Sora: Hey honey pie.

Jessica: Honey pie?!

- Sora looked at Jessica-

Sora: Jaxx. Let's go somewhere private.

Jaxx: Okay.

Jessica: ( They're probably just friends. )

Alejandro: Hello Layla.

Layla: Oh hey. Alejandro is it?

Alejandro: Yep.

Jessica: .........

Alejandro: What are you looking at?!

Layla: Yeah. Mind your damn business.

Jessica: .......

Later that night

- Jessica was done crying-

[ Jessica's Confessional:

I think I'm ready to confess my love to Jaxx. I know we just met but. He's the one for me. ]

- Jessica went to the Soraxx room. She heard laughter and kisses coming from the room-

Jessica: .........

Sora: I love you so much!

Jaxx: I love you too.

- Sora and Jaxx kissed-

Sora: Nobody will love you as much as I do.

- Jessica walked away. Sora saw Jessica from the corner of his eye and smiled-

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