─ chapter six ; bandaids

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January 23rd, 2024
Charleston, SC

Six am

I was too excited to sleep anymore. I got up, wrapped myself in my blanket, and watched the sun rise in the sky, hope rekindled within my soul.

Seven am

Father got up, and left for work after eating the breakfast I had prepared for him. I thanked my lucky stars he couldn't recognise the happiness and excitement within my eyes.

Eight am

The cleaning was done twice over. Now, I had nothing left to do but wait patiently for the day to pass on.
For the first time in years, I had something to look forward to that wasn't saying my nightly prayers.

Nine am

I was able to find a needle and thread within the contents of my little nickknack box. A happy squeal left my lips once I was able to patch up a tear in one of my favorite pink dresses.
I wanted to look pretty for my new friends. Would they like my dress? Most importantly, would Chairman Jeon like my pretty dress?
Pink hues spread throughout my face as I thought about the scary man with the pretty eyes.
Maybe if I looked pretty, he wouldn't want to get rid of me soon.

Ten am

"Ouch!" I winced, a fine tooth comb tightly wound within my face. I huffed and pouted to myself before taking the time to gently unwind my hip length hair out of the comb.
So this is what I get for trying to get my hair to look nice.
I pouted harder.
Brushing it until it shined was the best I could do.
It was better to let it hang loose than to be put back into an unattractive lumpy bun. I couldn't do braids either, Mama hadn't yet got the chance to teach me before she passed.
With a resigned sigh, my toes curled back and forth as I brushed through my hair, longingly eyeing the outdoors from my window.

Eleven am

"I'm so bored..." I slumped, back falling onto my bedroom floor, little nickacks strewn beside my body. I flipped onto my tummy and grinned, little hand reaching out to grab a plastic bag where I stashed the hello kitty bandages Chairman Jeon put over my scraped knees.
I like saving things that has good memories attached to them.
The bandaids reminded me of how I had misjudged Chairman Jeon...and how he had taken care of me so kindly.

A girlish giggle left my lips as I thought about him.

Don't get me wrong, he was scary, and handsome, and had pretty eyes, but I knew there was so much more lurking beneath the surface.
Maybe I could catch another glimpse of it?

─ nepenthe ; jjkWhere stories live. Discover now