─ chapter seven ; you make the hurt go away

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January 23rd, 2024
Charleston, SC


What if they didn't want to see me again? Or if they get angry at me? Would Chairman Jeon be here?

My tummy gurgled unhappily – from nerves and not eating today – as I stood in front of Ataraxia, behind a couple of nice young ladies with really short dresses. I couldn't help but admire their pretty hair and elaborately done makeup, wishing I could look like them. Be skinny like them.

Was that why Father had me on a diet and restricted me from having fatty and starchy foods?

Now that I was standing behind two women had had perfect bodies, I could understand why Father was so harsh with my eating habits.
I had chubby thighs. I didn't have a flat stomach, my cheeks weren't thin and defined. I was short and chubby. My hips were too wide and the stretch marks that were on the inside of my thighs made me ashamed.

You won't find a man with an unattractive body, girl. Father's words were on repeat inside my mind and I couldn't but but huddle into myself and worry those pretty women wouldn't turn around and see how ugly and meek I was compared to them.

I self consciously crossed my arms around my body and ignored the hunger in my tummy as I waited in line.
Looking ahead, I shivered and rubbed my cold arms.
The line to enter the club was long and I wondered when I would be able to enter since I was the last person in line. 

An hour passed, more and more people were allowed inside the club, and finally, I could see Theo's curls when I stood up on my tippy toes.
Suddenly, all nervousness left my body once I took in the sight of Theo standing beside a women with the same gorgeous dark skin as he had, and beautiful fluffy dark hair.

"Hi, Mister Theo!" I waved happily, jumping up and down on my toes as the women in front of me entered the club and I was standing in front of Theo and the pretty women.

Theo's lips parted and he glanced down at me, "Ah, hello, little Tesoro!" he chuckled when I hugged him around the middle and smiled my best smile to the women. "You didn't have to wait in the back of the line, you know."

"Really? Sorry!" I flushed and looked down with a pout, "It...would seem rude if I skipped the line." I giggled and turned my attention to the pretty women with ark sparkling eyes.

"Hi, miss! You're really pretty! I love your dress!" I told her, remembering my manners and hoping to make a good impression.

Theo chuckled happily as the women cooed and brought me into a hug. She was a good bit taller than me, basically towering over me in her high shoes and smiled.

"Thank you, darling." she said, voice laced with the same thick accent as Theo. "You're so sweet." she affectionately pinched my cheek between her manicured fingers, "and so beautiful! Is this the adorable girl that Jungkook terrified?" she turned to peek up at Theo as he playfully rolled his eyes and pecked her temple.

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