─ chapter five ; friends?

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January 22nd, 2024
Charleston, SC

Theo entertained my questions as he drove me home in a cool sleek black car.

Beside him, in the passenger seat, I droned on and on about nothing in particular – but after not being able to talk to anyone but myself or Father for so long, I doubt I'd ever get tired of chatting.

"Y'know, Mister Theo–"

Theo raised a brow and flicked his eyes to mine, "I thought we talked about this whole 'Mister' thing." I was thankfully able to understand him better now that I had spent time with him.

I sheepishly giggled, "Ah, sorry! I...I'm just trying to be on my best behavior so Chairman Jeon doesn't find any faults in me and make me disappear." I chirped back, tugging at the split ends of my hair.

Theo's foot pressed gently on the break and turned his attention to me after stopping at a stop light. His lips twitched and beheld me in the highest amusement.
I blinked back owlishly.

Suddenly, Theo threw back his head and laughed, silky-looking curls smushing against the headrest.

"Ah, dannare!" he chortled, clapping his palms together in mirth, I hesitantly eyed him before nervously joining in on his laughter so I wouldn't feel left out.

Theo calmed his laughter, but amusement still flickered within his hazel eyes. "He will not hurt you, tesoro. There is much more to him than others think." he divulged to me, continuing driving.

I excitedly nodded, "Seems so, Mister Theo! He looks really scary but he has really pretty eyes and pretty jewelry. He even doctored my knees for me," I turned my knees towards him so he could see the pink band-aids on my knees. "Could that mean we're friends now and he won't have me killed?'

Theo's lips twitched, eyes still on the road, "He would love to hear that, little tesoro. I promise you, Gguk has no plans of harming a hair on your head – and I'm sure he would be
honored to be your friend."

A delighted squeak left my lips, "How wonderful! I like having friends! We're friends too, right Mister Theo?"

I pointed to the road I lived on and waited for Theo's answer as he started to drive down my street.

"Of course, little tesoro."

I grinned happily and felt my heart beat quickly in happiness.
This night turned out much different than I had expected, but I wasn't complaining.
I had made not one, but two friends. My first friends ever.

─ nepenthe ; jjkWhere stories live. Discover now