Chapter 14:Boston,or not?

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Entering the house,the familiar scent of roses filled the room along with my mother standing on the kitchen doorframe,slightly smiling at me.
"Hey Jay"she hugged me.
"Hey mom,early from work?"i asked.
"Oh yeah,the boss gave everyone a week off for the last week of Summer."
"Oh,good,anyways Val asked to come with her to Boston,says her grandmother has something for Mr.Jones"
"Oh,yeah you can,as long as you come back the same day,i have something planned for us."

I nodded entering my room and closing the door.
I took my shirt off,leaving me in only my shorts as i plopped on the bed.



"Found it"i opened the kitchen counter,taking the flasters she keeps there,closing it and turning around.
I was met with Kie standing by the living room window,looking out with a fearing look she wore on her face.

"Kie?"she turned around.
"What's wrong?"i added.

A tear slid down her face as she shared a look with me.
"Sar...he's back"

Silence filled the room.



"What do you mean he's back?"

"My dad..he's back Sar"

"Hide"I whisper-yelled,pulling her hand with me to the bathroom.
"Shhh"her voice sent a shiver down my spine as we both stood pressed against eachother.
Her shaky breaths made my anxiety rise.
"Look,he won't do shit to me,he finished for the day but you seriously need to go"
"You don't have a choice Sar"
"Look,you don't have a choice either,your stuck with me one way or another.Either we both stay or we both go"

Just then door click was heard and front door creacked.
"Fuck"i breathed out.
"I know your in there somewhere."
He opened the door to all rooms.
"Or not"
He was about to go back outside when Sarah's phone vibrated.
His steps went quiet.
"Shit"she muttered,turning her phone off.
"Window,now!"i whisper-yelled,
taking her shoulders and turning her around.
"Theres no fucking way our asses will fit in that"
"Well too fucking bad cus im about to fucking pass out so hurry up"
He must have heard our voices so he started banging on the door.
"What if we get stuck Kie-"
"Well he's about to get in so hurry!"

She opened the window and put her legs out.
After almost getting totally stuck she managed to get out and it was my turn now.
"Sarah pull my legs to you!"i saw her nod and grab both my legs.
Blood stained the window as i rested my hands against it.Each second passed with either mine or Sarah's exhausted shaky breaths,my dads yelling i tried so bad to ignore or the sound of wooden parts of the door falling off as my dad hit them.
"Finally!"Sarah yelled as i catched her shoulder to straighten myself.
"Where to?"she catched my look.
"No way."
"Yes way!They need to find out once and for all,now hurry!"she stated,hurrying me up as we ran through a short cut we knew for since,like forever.

Sarah talked about something but i was so out of it i didn't even know what.My body felt so bad and I felt like giving up.Sarah put my arm around her shoulder for support as we stumbled to the road that gets us to the chateau.
That's when John b stepped on the brake as soon as we stepped foot on the road.
"Help,fast,her dads behind us!"Sarah yelled out to JJ who was already fast to put his hands around me.

"Princess I'm here okey?"

"Mhm"exhaustion filled my voice as my eyes blinked open two more times before letting them rest.


"Fuck Boston,this is more important"
JJ's mind went to that as he picked Kie up while Pope opened the back door for him.
"Your safe Kie"

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