Chapter 8:Heyward's family

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After all of us agreed to meet later we all went our ways and i went with Pope since we agreed that he's gonna ask his parents to let me stay with him and i'll help his parents with work.

"So,do you think they're gonna let me stay?"i asked him while we walked.
"Yeah,i mean if your gonna work they always need a pair of hands besides me."He answered.
"You help,too?"i asked.
"Yeah,my dad makes me always help him with delivering food,mostly fish"he added.

"Oh,nice"i said.We walked up to his house and he told me to wait here while he went up to his front porch
and knocked on the door.
His mom answered the door.
"Heyward!"she yelled in tears as she hugged Pope.Im guessing Heyward is his dad?

He came to the door and hugged Pope while he cried into his shoulder.
"Where were you!?"Heyward asked while Pope started to explain and probably ask them for me to stay since he pointed at me.

They finished talking and his mom came up to me and hugged me.
"Oh sweetie you and my son would look so cute,im Ivonna and this is my husband Heyward"she explained while i greeted her and shaked Heywards hand.

"So you will be working around the house with Ivonna,okey?"Heyward asked.
"Yeah,yeah of course"i responded.
"Great!You will be sleeping in Pope's room"said Ivonna excitedly as i agreed.

I spent the rest of the day cleaning with Pope's mom and settling in while Pope helped his dad deliver fish.

"Welcome to the Heyward's family kid"said Heyward while he came in.

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