Chapter 2:"Truth or dare"

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TW:mentions of blood and physical illness

The cold breeze blowed through their hair as everyone layed asleep.
The palmas were slightly moving by the wind as the waves were loudly crashing against the shore.
Kiara's chest was moving fastly as her breathing picked up.She kept mumbling words that no one but her could understand.

Her crying and loud breathing woke Sarah who was laying beside her on her left while JJ was on the right.
"Hey Kie,Kie its ok your just having a nightmare."Sarah comforted Kie as she shaked her.
Kie winced and sat up,breathing heavily.

"It's ok,it's ok"Sarah reasured her obviously scared best friend.
"Let's take a walk and you'll tell me what it was about."Sarah said as she helped Kie stand up.
They walked by the shore and got some fresh air while Kiara told Sarah about her nightmare.
"It's nothing Sarah really.It was just my dad."Kie said,a little shaken up.
Sarah just stopped and hugged Kie tightly.

Kie hugged her back and they stood there for a while before going back to sleep.
After that the night went fastly with the only sound heard being the wind slowly blowing.
The pogues woke up,this time without sunshine but with dark clouds and thunder far away.
The pogues realised that they need to get to work as soon as possible before the storm started.

They separated and went their way.
Cleo and Pope were finding food while JJ and Kiara were finding wood.Sarah and John B were ten times safer bescause they had tents to be in during the storm.
Everyone was in their own thoughts when the thunder got louder and made Kie slightly flinch.
JJ turned to her and smiled at a big softie by him.

"Do you want to find a place to hide,it started raining already"JJ said,already knowing the answer.
"Yeah"she said trying to act like she didn't care but both of them knew that it was just an act.

They found a cave with enough room for the both of them.
Kie snuggled to JJ and layed on his lap as he stroked her hair.
This time their eyes didn't meet.
She looked at the rain falling down and making puddles everywhere while he looked at her curly hair.
He noticed how her hair wasn't fully brown,it was brown but sunkissed as they said.

Her hair was falling to her shoulders and moved everytime she winced at the sound of thunder.
The storm stopped sometime later but Kie had fell asleep.
"Kie,the storm stopped we should go back"JJ said as Kie opened her eyes.She stood up and they started walking back when she stopped suddenly.

"Piggyback please"she said
"No Kie"he said.
"Please,please,pleaseee"she begged and gave him puppy eyes when he finally gave up.
"Fine"she really knew how to get him.

JJ lowered himself as Kie jumped on his back and rested her head on his shoulder.
While he walked Kie moved her head on his back and closed her eyes.
By the time JJ got to the fire place Kie was asleep.
"Where should i put her"JJ asked,turning around and pointing at her on his back.

"Put her in the tent we just finished another one.She needs rest she had a nightmare in the middle of the night."Sarah answered while JJ listened and put Kiara in one of the tents.

Most of the time they were just talking and enjoying free time.
By the time it was dark Kie woke up and saw all the pogues around the fire.She walked over to them and sat by JJ.

"Had a good sleep princess?"he asked.
"Yeah"she yawned.
"Okey im bored,let's play something"
Sarah said.
"Let's do truth or dare"Pope said.
Everyone agreed and John B started.
"Kie truth or dare?"he asked
"Truth"she said.
"If you could go back home right now,would you?"
"No chance"she said with the thoughts of her dad hitting her and slamming her head against the wall came back to her view.Its like she was watching a random girl go through it.
She hated the thought of him.

"Ok,my turn"she said.
"JJ truth or dare"
"Oh come on princess,don't you know me,dare"he said.
"Ok,hm,climb that mountain and jump in the water from that cliff."
"Holy shit"said Pope.
"What,you gonna back down from a dare"she smirked.
"Of course not princess"he smirked as he stood up and ran to the cliff.

After he got there they cheered and he just jumped like it was nothing.
After he got back they all cheered again and Kie gave him a high five.
"Ok my turn.Sarah truth or dare"he asked.
"Dare"she said feeling proud.
"I dare you to do the same dare i did"
"No way,im giving my dare"she said,her confidence all gone.
"I'll give my dare to Kie" she said pointing at Kie.

"Dude!i thought we were on the same page here!"Kie said and Sarah just laughed.
"Fine"Kie groaned.
She climbed up the cliff and looked down at the water.
"I can't do it!"she yelled as it echoed very loudly.
"Yes you can!Just jump!"JJ said as they all started climbing up.
When they all climbed up she figured JJ was right.

JJ took her by her hand and said.
"1 2 3 ok?"he said but she just jumped and pulled him with her.
"That's what im talkin' 'bout baby!"
JJ yelled while Kie just enjoyed the wind blowing through her hair.
They fell into the water and sea occupied them as they gasped for air.

The wind was strong and the waves were very big.JJ began pulling Kie up but something bit her right leg causing JJ to drop her hand and freak out.

"Kie,shit Kie!GUYS A SHARK BIT HER!"JJ yelled to others who were still on the cliff.
They rushed through the woods and back to the fire place where JJ brought her to in his hands.
"Come on Kie,i know you can do it.
Your a fighter,i know you Kie."

I know you.

"Fucking truth or dare"

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