Chapter 12:Once again,she was alone

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TW:mentions of abuse,blood,swearing,passing out,physical illness and one mature scene


Just as i opened the driver seat door i felt someone grab me from behind and turn me around.I thought it was Cleo or Sarah but as someone turned me around i saw Rafe's smirk.
Oh shit.

"What do you want Rafe!?"i asked,starting to feel even dizzier.
"Well hello to you too princess"he tried hiding that evil smirk he always had when he was about to do something.

"I asked what do you want!?"i repeated.
"Revenge"he responded making me scoff.
"For what!?"i yelled.
"Stealing Sarah,now shut up"he said while he hit me right in the leg where my wound was as i winced in pain.

I started feeling even more dizzy by the second but just then he kissed me harshly.I tried shoving him off of me but his grip on my waist was too tight.

"Rafe get off of me"i said when he pulled away."Shut up"he yelled while he started kissing me again.

Just then i saw someone behind him while i tried pushing Rafe off once again but he just held his grip on my waist even stronger.

JJ.It was JJ.I felt relief take over me as he tackled Rafe to the ground beside me as i fell to my knees.I started feeling dizzier and dizzier by the second and the world started spinning.Everything was spinning and my vision was getting blurry.
Only thing i could manage to see was a girl snapping fingers at me but i couldn't focus.I let the worry slip away as i lost consciousness.


We started searching the parking lot and so far haven't seen anything but as we got closer i saw someone by the Twinkie.
"Guys"i whispered as i pointed at the Twinkie.
"Go,go,go"i heard John B behind me.

I ran to the Twinkie and saw Rafe kissing Kie.I was furious.
I tackled him to the ground and blew my fist at him.I blew a couple of punches at him and stood up.

Soon i had my attention to Kie and saw her laying on the ground,passed out with Sarah holding her head.
"What happened"i asked Sarah as i kneeled down beside Kie.

"I don't know,after you pushed Rafe to the ground she just fell to the floor.I tried snapping my fingers infront of her face but she seemed off and after that she just passed out."Sarah responded.

"Let's carry her in"i said while i took Kie into my arms.
Sarah walked infront of me and we went to the other side of the Twinkie where the back door was.
Sarah opened the door while i stepped in and left her laying on the sofa while i went outside with the others.

"So what are we gonna do now"i asked.
"Well,i think we should drive her to the chateau and then try waking her up"Pope said and we agreed.
"Just one second yall"i said as i took my phone from my back pocket and dialed Val.

"Hey JJ,i've been waiting for the past half an hour"

"Hey Val,we're going home,Kie's not okey,do you have a ride?"

"Yeah,yeah i'll just go with Mason i just found him."

"Alright,sorry again,bye"


~20 minutes later~


The pogues were surrounding Kiara at the couch while she was still unconscious.JJ admired her as she layed so peacefully.Her peacefull face expression was replaced by a worried one when she suddenly opened her eyes.

"Gosh,what happened"she said as memories flashed back to her mind.
"Kie,you're awake!"Sarah yelled,running to her side as the others quickly followed behind.

"How are you feeling?"She asked softly as Kiara looked at her.
"Yeah I'm fine"she said standing up.
"Woah Kie you gotta rest"JJ stepped by Sarah,confronting Kie.
"Oh like you're telling me what to do now,huh?"she scoffed taking her phone and rushing past JJ and Sarah.

"Kie where are you going you gotta rest!"Sarah yelled as she stepped in front of Kie just as she was about to open the door.
"Im going home Sarah,my dad's probably worried!"She said,her voice cracking at the end.Embarassing.

She quickly opened the door and pushed past Sarah to get out of the house.
"I'll go with her"JJ said,passing Sarah who now paced back and forth,worriedly.
"Yeah you do that"she pointed out.

JJ quickly left after her and was soon
behind her.
"Kie wait!"he yelled after her,pulling her wrist and making her turn around.
"What,what do you want JJ!?"she yelled passive agressively.
"What i want is for you to come back and rest!"he yelled,matching her tone.Brown eyes rolled.
"You're so annoying,go back to Val or something i don't know!"she kept yelling.
"What!?What are you talking about!?"his eyes met with her when she finally looked his direction.
"Nothing..just-im going home and you can't stop me,i'll rest at home"she protested.

"Fine,atleast let me walk you,this street is dangerous"
With that,they continued to walk,in the awkvard silence,hands and shoulders brushing against eachothers.
Six feet away from her front porch Kiara sighed.She knew what was about to happen and she needed to get JJ out of it.She'll just thank him and wave as he walks off,easy peasy,right?

They arrived at her front porch and climbed up the stairs.
"Thank you"she murmured,loud enough so he can hear.
"Of course"he responded,his lips curling up into a small smile as she pressed her lips together in awkvardness.
"I guess i'll..see you?"she said.
"Yeah,bye Kie"he said,turning away and dissapearing into the fog.

Just as JJ left her driveway he got a call.


He answered,a smile brought to his lips.

"Hey pretty boy"could be heard.

"Hey Val"

"You free for a little ride"

"What are we talking about"he smirked

"My dad sent me to my grandmother in Boston,said she has some shit for him,wanna come,im going tomorrow"

"What time"

"At noon"

"I'll be there"

"Bye Jay"

"See you then shorty"

JJ's smile dissapeared,a sudden wave of guilt crashing into him.
He felt guilty that he started spending time with Valery,his childhood best friend,and Kie,his all time best friend.

Then he realised,every time he holds her hand,every time he ties her hair,every time he lays in the hammock with her or competes in surfing with her.Everytime their matching bracelets attach together and everytime he played with her as little kids.Joking around,calling her flirty names,bickering.

She's got him wrapped around her finger.

And he's fell bad.


For Kie,or Val?

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