Chapter 9:"Where were you!?"

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I knocked on my door and my mom answered.
"Heyward!"she yelled my dad's name as she hugged me,now crying.
My dad came and hugged me along with my mom.

"Where were you!?"he yelled while i started explaining.
"Well look dad,we were stuck on an island bescause our boat broke down and we couldn't get back."i said while they scolded me.

"But can Cleo stay with us,i promise she will work whatever yall need,just...she doesen't have anyone to go to,her parents died when she was around 11.Please let her stay with us,she can take my room."
I explained.

"Is that her?"asked my mom.
"Yeah that's her"i said pointing at her.
My mom ran to her and introduced herself while my dad came behind.
They greeted her and we spent most of the day helping my mom and dad.

I don't really like this one but i had to write it since im writing povs!Love yall!Enjoy!

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