The Best Thing For Me... [Completed]

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Genre - Romance , Teen Fiction

Author –LaurenJ22

Description - Emma Ross is a hard-working, quiet girl who tries to stay off the radar. It's all going okay for her until she starts getting along with one of the 'It' boys. Having this happen, comes with drama and pain, is it all worth it? Or it is just best to stay out of it all? As Emma battles with the conflict, which will she choose? It might just be the best thing for her...


Emma and Jason is sooo sweet. The side story too is amazing.. 


A/N: The trailer is not mine. Credit to Milly Haug :))) I just put a teaser/trailer so readers will have an idea how good this story is.

Best Wattpad Stories ♥♥♥ *May 2013*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon