Chapter Twenty-One: Dresses and Eggs

Start from the beginning

Then Lily's smile faltered as she looked at herself.
"Do you think I look bigger?" Lily asked, looking in the mirror. "I feel ugly,"
"Lily, you are absolutely gorgeous," y/n grinned. "And if you don't get that dress, I will force it on you the day of the Yule Ball and drag you to the dance,"
"Okay, okay," she laughed. "I'll get it,"
    Madam Pewster looked y/n up and down, a curious look on her face.
    "And you, my dear?" She asked. "Or would you like for me to help you choose?"
    "Uhm, I'd love your help, if you don't mind," she chuckled. "The last dance I went to, my dress was just given to me,"
    "What dance was that?" Lily laughed.
    "The Malfoy's engagement party, I went with Reg over break," y/n explained.
    "You never told me that,"
    Madam Pewster circled around y/n, examining her features.
    "Ah, yes, I have a few dresses that would just look stunning on you," she said.
    She waved her wand and the store shifted again, dresses being pulled at and put back in place, the racks spinning to find the right dress. Suddenly, five dresses appeared in front of y/n. (You can pick whatever dress you want but I'm going to just like use the black and white dress)

 (You can pick whatever dress you want but I'm going to just like use the black and white dress)

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