The Attack

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Natsu searched for Riza high and low to no avail. Even his sharp nose couldn't pick up her scent, it was like she'd vanished. After a while happy found Natsu moping by a river in town.

"Did you find her?" Happy asked.

"No," Natsu said, frustration in his tone.

Happy wasn't sure what to say, so he sat down and started fishing while Natsu stared into the distance pensively.
They sat there with the light breeze and the sound of the flowing water until suddenly someone jumped from the shadow and hit Natsu. Hard.

"NATSU!" Happy screamed.

Natsu fell to the ground in a semi unconscious heap. The attacker, who wore a dark cloak that made it impossible to tell who they were, stepped back. Most likely preparing in case Natsu recovered quickly.
Happy flew over to Natsu and tried to get him up. All he did was shift and groan. Then the attacker took the chance and grabbed Happy.

"Natsu! Natsu, please wake up!" Happy called.

Natsu came to but was still woozy. The attacker pulled a dagger from their cloak and went straight for Natsu, letting Happy go free. Natsu normally would've dodged it without breaking a sweat but he was still shaky on his feet. Suddenly, right before the attacker could stab him something moved in front of Natsu with incredible speed. It took Natsu a moment to realize it was a person, then another moment to realize they'd just took a knife for him. He could see the tip of the knife sticking out of the girl's back. Then, in the last moment before the attacker released his grip on the knife and staggered backwards, Natsu realized the girl was Riza.

"Get out of here..!" she said as she stumbled back, her hands on the hilt of the dagger.

"No way!!" Natsu yelled. "I'm not leaving you behind when you need me!"

"Well that's awfully touching," she pulled the dagger out with a grunt, "but I was talking to the exceed, I know you can handle yourself," she chucked the dagger into the river.

"Oh.." Natsu stood there as Happy rejoined them, "well I think you're not giving happy as much credit as he deserves."

"Aye, Sir!" Happy said with vigor.

Riza clutched her bleeding shoulder as they turned back to the stunned, cloaked figure. Riza was about to attack when something interrupted her.

"FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST!!!" Natsu yelled as he hit the attacker with a fist of fire.

The attacker hit a tree in the distance then proceeded to disappear into the shadows.

Risa's back straightened, "Kuro..?" she whispered under her breath, so quiet Natsu could only hear it because of his keen ears.

"You okay?" he looked at her with suspicion and concern.

Riza pulled herself out of her thoughts, "yeah, I think I'll be fine, could use a healer though."

Natsu was pretty sure she was dodging the question but then remembered she was hurt. "Wendy could fix you up real quick!"

"Alright," she said smiling.

They made their way back to the guild. When they arrived there were lots of questions that they both answered while Wendy healed Riza. After, Riza sat at a corner table sipping some tea.

Natsu walked up to her with trepidation, "Can I talk to you?"

"Sure," she said placing her cup on the table.

"You and Gramps seemed to be giving me weird looks before you guys went into his office. There a reason for that?"

She took a deep breath, like this subject was that last thing she wanted to get into, "Yes, and I would like to explain it but I'm afraid I can't."

"Why's that?"

"Believe me, Natsu. If I could tell you, I would," she paused. "Maybe some day, but not yet," she looked into her cup like it was a close friend that she'd never see again.

Natsu was disappointed, but he knew he needed to back off, "okay, I'll let this go for now but as soon as you can you tell me. Deal?"

She looked at him with a slight hope, "Deal."

He turned and walked away with that. He immediately spotted Gray, who was wearing nothing but his boxers.


"WHAT'D YOU CALL ME FLAME BRAIN?!" Gray yelled in return.

Gray and Natsu proceeded to attack one another.

Riza looked around the guild hall.

"I'm home," she said to herself.

Riza, of Fairy TailWhere stories live. Discover now