The Oncoming Storm

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Winter had set in, and there was snow everywhere. You could see most people wrapped up in jackets, scarfs, winter hats, and thick boots. Lyon was still unresponsive 2 weeks after they found him in the woods. And on this day, Riza had decided to look deeper into Lyon's memory to try and see clearly, more details about what happened to him. Her, Tesla, And Gray were the only ones in the room. She needed absolute concentration. She still had not told Gray of what really happened to Lyon, but she had told Tesla. Gray and Tesla were standing on Lyon's left, and Riza on his right. Riza took a deep breath.

"You guys ready?" She asked.

"Yes." Gray and Tesla replied.

"Ok then, here we go."

Riza took another deep breath then closed her eyes and put her hands over Lyon. One was about 2 inches from his face, and the other about 3 inches from his chest. Then it appeared as though blue light came from her palms. At that point she opened her eyes very quickly and they were glowing bright blue as well. This state carried on for awhile without anyone saying a word. Then Riza gave a face of distress. Then streaks of bright blue started to appear in her hair as well.

"She's trying to hard." Tesla spoke up.

"What d'you mean?" Gray asked.

"If she keeps this up, I'm not really sure what will happen but I know it's not good."

"You mean it'll hurt her?"

"No. When she's like this, she's like a bomb. If she puts to much pressure on herself she might blow. And that would probably take the whole guild hall down. The only thing left would be Riza."

Then suddenly Riza started screaming widely. Like electricity was raging through her. Her eyes and hair instead of blue turned white and she fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Riza!" Tesla yelped running to her.

Gray followed her lead and they picked her up and put her on the bed next to Lyon's. The white in her eyes and hair faded and her eyes were normal again. However, in the places the blue and white had previously been her hair was now blonde. Like the brown had been sucked out of it and left it with very little of the original color. Tesla had already checked her pulse, she was alive and breathing normally. Only a few minutes had passed when she woke up.

"Oh man... My head hurts." She said leaning up.

"You ok?" Tesla asked.

"Yeah, I think."

"What happened?" Gray asked.

"Someone put a curse on one of his memory's that they don't want us to see, anyone who tried to access it would be cursed. Thankfully I don't think it did any permanent damage."

"Well no, but I think your stuck with a new look." Tesla pointed at her hair.

Riza looked down at her hair and was slightly shocked to see the blonde.

"Hmm, I actually think I like it."

"You would." Tesla chuckled.

After that Riza said that she had not discovered anything new from her attempt to look further into Lyon's memory. And Lyon stayed in his present condition.

"That's it! I'm sick of waiting around!" Riza shouted in frustration 4 day's later.

"Be patient." Tesla told her.

"No! I wanna go kick Zeref's butt! He deserves it, and more! Gah, if I don't get to shove his stupid face into a tree soon I'm gonna die."

"While I completely agree, how would you do that? You don't know where he is, he probably has Tartaros on stand by, and we still don't know if that curse had any lasting effects on you."

Riza, of Fairy TailWhere stories live. Discover now