It's Avni and Neil now

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Avni was leaning on the couch with her eyes closed and the book laying open in her lap while the two girls were sleeping on the sofa,a duvet covering them.

"Dadda"She heard Sam shout she opened her eyes and sat up with a jerk to see Sam woken up and there was tears flowing from eyes.

"Sam baby what happened"She asked sitting beside her and took her in a hug.

"Bad Dream"She replied hiccuping wrapping her arms around Avni's waist.

"Shh it's fine now"Avni rubbed her arm calming her and Sam soon went back to sleep.

Avni's eyes started drooping and she felt asleep too.

After around an hour Avni's sleep was broken due to the sound of keys twisting in the keyhole and the door opened.

"Mishti,Bira you two back so early"Avni asked rubbing her eyes.

"It's me Neil"Neil replied walking into the living room,he saw Sam sleeping hugging Avni and Kia was sleeping beside them.

Avni saw Neil enter and she sat up properly.

"Why are there tear stains on her face"He asked picking Sam up in his arms who was still asleep,she could notice that his voice sounded tired and he had bags under his eyes but of course it was none of her business.

"She had a nightmare and woke up crying"She replied pushing all those thoughts aside.

"Thank you for looking after my daughter Ms Dhawan"Neil thanked her

"It's fine Mr Khanna and you can call me Avni"She replied,Avni hates when someone call her by her last name but the only reason she was letting Mr Khanna call her by that name was because she thought he was rude and arrogant but now that she knows him he is nothing like how media portray him to be.

"If I call you Avni then you have to stop calling me Mr Khanna"He countered as she nodded and he gave her a small smile which didn't quite reach his eyes.

"I will take your leave now"Neil informed and Avni closed the door behind as Neil left with Sam.

Avni went back to reading her book as she couldn't get back to sleep.

"You are not going anywhere Ms Dhawan"Abir announced,the two were back from the date and it was almost 11:00.

"You know I hate when anyone calls me with my last name for gods sake it sounds so formal"Avni shouted back at him while Mishti scooped Kia in her arms and took her upstairs before this pair of made besties wake her up.

"You are completely ok with Neil calling you Ms Dhawan but not your bestfriend great"Abir screeched completely going off track.

"I was ok with Neil calling me Ms Dhawan because I thought he was rude and arrogant but as I got to know him I realised he isn't a bad person and now he doesn't call me Ms Dhawan he calls me Avni"She blabbered it all out without realising in the heat of the moment.

"Great I thought the discussion was about if Avni is staying here or not and now I come to see you two arguing about Neil"Mishti intervened as she entered the room after tucking Kia in the bed.

"Oh yaa right you are staying here no more discussion"Abir announced and left the room leaving no room for discussion.

"Ok now that you are staying here,how about we have a Disney movie marathon"Mishti raised her brows chuckling and Avni nodded.

"But I can't sleep in this clothes"She pointed at her outfit,sleeping in jeans isn't the most comfortable thing.

"Oh I will lend you one of my night dress"Mishti replied.

Avni got changed into the night dress Mishti gave her and it fitted her as they are almost same.

"Why is Bira sleeping in Kia's room"Avni asked as she saw Kia and Abir sleeping cuddling each other.

"Don't know but that's great we can have our movie marathon without any interruptions"She replied clicking the pics of the two.

The two stayed up all night watching movies starting from Ariel to Cindrella and slept almost at the dawn. 

Here is the update,did you guys not got the notification of the last update because the votes and reads are really less as compared to the other chapters.

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