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I entered my room and plopped down on the bed all tired from the decor I had to do,I also have sent the car for Mishti as her flight is landing in half an hour and she will directly meet me at the restaurant.

I got up gulping down a glass of water before starting to get ready,I changed into a beautiful pink and white dress and kept my black hair in a loose bun with some strands out in the front.

"Hey Avu"I saw Mishti waving at me as I made my way towards her

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"Hey Avu"I saw Mishti waving at me as I made my way towards her.

"Hey how are you"I asked taking her in a hug.

"Great"She replied as we separated from the hug.

"Masi"Kia exclaimed as I picked her up in my arms.

"How is the decor"I asked Mishti as she started at the decor in front of her

"It's awesome thank you so much"She thanked me.

"No thank you and sorry in friendship"I hit her lightly on her arms while she chuckled.

"They are here I will go outside"I informed,she nodded and I made my way outside but not before putting Kia down.

"Comeon Bira tie this blindfold"I handed Bira a blindfold as we were standing outside the restaurant.

"Don't tell me you have called me here to kill me because I ruined your favourite dress on the last tour"Abir joked.

"What it was you who did that"I asked my eyes wide on last tour my favourite dress was torn I thought it was accidental I am going to kill this idiot.

"Shit you didn't know it was me"Abir murmered to himself but it was audible to all of us.

"I will see that afterwards first tie this blindfold"I said as the surprise is more important currently will deal with this moron later on.

We entered the restaurant and Abir hugged Mishti tightly as soon as he saw her as I smiled at them,they are such a cute couple.

"Papa,Mumma you forgot me"Kia whined as the two of them broke the hug with a chuckle.

"Now how can I forget my little munchkin"He said and picked Kia up in his arms side hugging Mishti.

I saw Mr Khanna wipe a tear as he stared at Mishti,Abir and Kyra I couldn't pinpoint the reason.

"Hey Neil how are you"Mishti asked hugging Mr Khanna as he hugged her back

"Fine"He replied giving her a small smile as they broke the hug,this is the first time I have seen him smiling,he should smile more often it suits him.

"God your jokes are so lame"I hit Bira lightly on his arm and Mishti also agreed with me.

Abir was joking while the three of us were listening to it,Sam and Kia were playing on one side seems like this two are besties.

Mishti signalled me to bring the cake as I nodded and bought the cake.

"Comeon Sam,Kia it's time for cake cutting"Mishti shouted and both the girls came running towards us.

Kia and Sam cut the cake as we sang happy birthday clapping.

"The surprise was really awesome"Bira said after we were done with dinner.

"The surprise was mine but all the preparation were done by Avu"She replied.

"Thank you Avu"He hugged me tightly.

"God Bira cant breathe"I said feeling suffocated as he finally step back.

"Dadda come play with us"

"You too papa"

Sam and Kia exclaimed together calling Bira and Mr Khanna.

The four of them were playing while Mishti and I were sitting together and talking.

"So any boyfriend"Mishti asked raising her brows.

"Nope"I said popping the 'p'

"If it is then tell me you know need to convince Abir too"She joked making me chuckle.

I remember once I went on a date and Bira came to know about it he literally spied on me the whole time and asked about his whole biography and he instructed me on that day is he need to interview the boy before me going on a date with him. 

"By the way how is your work going"I asked,she is a doctor and I know it get really hectic sometimes.

"Just usual"She replied as I nodded.

I met Bira when I joined as a manager a year back and he became my bestie although sometimes he acts as a protective elder brother while I met Mishti six months back and we instantly clicked and they are my family now.

We left for the hotel as I changed and plopped on the bed as sleep took over me in no time due to tiredness.

Here is the update,hope you all like it.

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