𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖

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𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐲'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕:

Upon entering the restaurant, Sam immediately approached me. I could also see the three professors and Sam's two childhood friends. I hate to admit it, but they're also quite attractive.

"Leleeeyy!! Kamusta pagsundo sayo ng cousin ko?" She asked, suppressing her laughter, but I chose to ignore her.

"Leley, sorry na. And I know na gusto mo rin naman na cousin ko ang magsundo sayo. Anyway, I already know the reason why you guys are close. My cousin told me about what happened in the bookstore in Bicol a month ago." I looked at her with cold eyes in response.

"Now that you're both here, let's order some food," Agaw pansin ni Ms. Avril, one of the professors.

By the way, Ms. Kizzia is on my left side, and on my right side is Sam, who is next to Ms. Elise, her crush, even though she didn't tell me that. I know it because of how she looks at Ms. Elise.

"Astrid and Mitch, my two childhood friends. And guys, she's Kensley, my snob and cold friend we met in Bicol." Sam introduced us, smiling. I didn't bother to look at them, but I noticed them looking at me and smiling.

Our orders arrived, and we began eating. However, I noticed Ms. Kizzia, who was busy with her phone. When our gazes met, I gave her a cold look, causing her to put down her phone.

"I'm sorry." She apologized, but I chose to ignore her. It seemed like she had a bbtime if meron man siya nun, they could have it later, not in front of the food.


We finished eating and decided to go to the mall to buy school supplies. Astrid and Mitch joined us since they were going to be our classmates, as we all took the business course.

I felt someone's hand holding mine, and she tightly clasped it.

"Let me, please." She said, using her calm voice, and I allowed her without looking.

"Are you mad at me? I'm sorry if I was busy with my phone earlier; I just had to talk with someone." She explained.

"Nah, I'm not." I said without looking at her, thinking that someone must be very important in her life. What do I care?

I felt my phone vibrating in my hand, indicating that someone was calling me. When I looked at my phone, it was my dad. So, I showed it to Ms. Kizzia before distancing myself from her.

"Hello, Dad?"

"Nak, how are you?"

"I'm doing fine, Dad. How about you, po?" I asked.

"I'm also fine, anak. By the way, I just wanted you to know that your cousin Nathalia is coming to the Philippines next week. She's accepting the offer from your school to teach there." Oh gosh, hearing those words filled me with excitement to see my cousin. We're like sisters, sharing lots of similarities that bring us close.

"Nak, I have to go now. Just take care of yourself there. I love you." Dad said.

"Take care of yourself too, Dad. I love you so much." I ended the call.

After hanging up the call, I searched for Ms. Kizzia but I couldn't find her. I started choosing the school supplies I needed, and once I gathered them all, I went to the cashier to pay.

"Leley, are you done? I'm just going to pay for mine." Sam asked, and I simply nodded.

"Where are we going after this?" I inquired.

"Pasyal tayo?" She suggested, and in her eyes, I could see hope.

"Fine" I replied, sana hindi ako gaanong mapagod, coz It's forbidden for me to get tired, and Sam doesn't know about my condition, even though we've been friends for almost a year. Ayaw ko pa rin sabihin sa kanya.

I saw Ms. Kizzia with the three professors and the two heading towards us.

I looked at her while wearing my poker face, and when she was near me, I held her waist. She didn't protest and laid her head on my shoulder.

The professors and three others were teasing us, but we didn't bother to care. Until I felt her breath in my ear.

"You're not mad at me anymore." She whispered to me, sending shivers down my spine.

"So, guys, where are we heading now?" Astrid asked.

"Pasyal tayo sa dagat." Sam happily suggested, and we all agreed.

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