Chapter Twenty-eight

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Recap on last chapter

"How useless is that demon. She would have been an actual demon if she didn't let her feelings get in the way. Useless, useless, USELESS!" The tatami floor was beyond repairable as large gashes and holes were seen by just a glimpse of it. "Nakime, get Kokushibou."

The sound of the biwa strings echoed through the castle as Kokushibou was summoned behind Muzan.

"Once.. once they step foot in this building.. and kill them all."

"This is.. not bad.." Y/n held the steel in front of him as the place surrounding him began to rumble.

'Crap! Gotta go..'

Y/n quickly ran through the exit with his quirk making everything trying to hit him fly away.

Y/n's eyes shone as the fresh air finally reached him.

"My love!" Yuki shuffled towards Y/n as Y/n grinned eerily.

"Guess I have the higher power now, b-..!" Y/n sliced Yuki's neck clean as Yuki's eyes widened, tears falling as so her head.

"Y.. you betrayed me..?"

"Nope, just killin' the killer."

Yuki's ash faded in the air as Y/n began running, trying to find his friends, to which he'll never admit to them as 'friends'.

"Haru! Behind you!" Masahiko yelled as Haru immediately threw a cigarette behind him and jumping in the air.

"What wonderful teamwork you two have! Though it's not enough.." Doma taunted the two as beeping was heard in each of the duo's bracelets, "Hmm..? Some kind of mechanism?"

"Haru, time to go." Masahiko held her injured arm as Haru appeared beside of Masahiko.

"This was the best call I could ever say, Hiko.."

Doma tilted his head in confusion as he suddenly attacked them with ice again, and to his suprise, all that was really there was nothing but his ice. It seems as if the two had teleported somewhere.

"Kanae! Hurry, Hiko's bouta rip her arm off!"

"Masahiko-chan! Please don't do that!" Kanae quickly aided Masahiko as Masahiko patted Kanae's head.

"Glad you're here with us, kid." Masahiko grinned ear to ear as Kanae thanked her.

"So, where's Saki?"

"She's about to meet us about.. right now. I'd be careful with her though." Ayumu answered for Kanae as he looked at the distance to where Saki is supposedly appeared.

And there she was, walking, head low and bloodlust radiating off of her.

"Speak of the mummy, glad yer here too Yumu. Kid! C'mon!" Masahiko gestured for Saki to hurry as Saki suddenly looked up at her.

Masahiko sweatdropped as Saki's once bright eyes was now a dull, magenta filling.

"K- Kanae.. h.. he died..." Kanae's eyes widened as Saki immediately hugged Kanae for comfort, to which Kanae returned by rubbing her back in circles.

"Was it a benefit..?" Kanae asked carefully as she softened her eyes at the nodding head, "Then we definitely won't waste the sacrifice he has done for us, right? Everyone?"

"Definitely." Ayumu answered first as he mumbled a prayer for Aki and Saki.

"These guns are ready alright! You here that Aki?!" Haru exclaimed as he flexed his biceps.

"We will win this last war of ours.." Masahiko confidently answered as she draped her arms on Haru's shoulder.

Kanae lifted up Saki's chin as she wiped Saki's tears.

"C'mon.. let's have him a proper burial after we're done with all of this, alright?" Saki nodded slowly as she suddenly changed demeanors instantly.

"Let's hurry up and kill them all already."

Kanae sweatdrops as Haru cackled, clutching his stomach in pain.

"I'm being serious darn it!" Saki yelled angrily as she clenched her fist in anger.

"Kid, you underestimated the first one. How're we suppose to think you're gonna be serious about this after that time..!" Haru weezed as he began hitting the ground, trying to let off some steam.

"If you weren't so darn old and shaggy I would've love beating you to a pulp!"

"Mm.. probably not Saki. Haru and I have been through a lot of crap together, more less a near death experience so I don't really think so." Saki irked in anger as Kanae rubbed her temples.

"If we could take this matter more seriously, you would've noticed that Y/n still isn't here." Kanae complained as she stated the obvious.

"Oh yeah! Where'd that little-" Before Haru could finish his sentence, Masahiko harshly slapped his mouth close leaving a red outline of a hand.

"Ow! Why’d ya do that for?!"

Saki tried to quiet her laughter as Masahiko revealed Ayumu that was behind Masahiko the whole time.

"I present to you, our little kid." Masahiko dramatically introduced Ayumu to Haru as Haru deadpans.

"Yeah, I know. It's Ayu-, OHHH."

The interaction ended with someone yelling run and the ground shaking like an earthquake was happening.



Behind Y/n, was a bunch of ice sculpture stampeding behind.

"The h- you do now darn it?!?!"

I hope you like this chapter! Thank you for reading!



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