"Can you facetime me?"

"Every chance I get."

"I really don't want you to leave but I really want you to be famous."

"Same here little brother."

"I love you."

"I love you more." Naris pulled him into a tight, brotherly hug.

Naris went back outside and found Nigel making sure his truck load was covered just in case any rain along the way. Naris walked up to him. Nigel turned and looked at his son. He couldn't believe he was going off and they were on bad terms. The last thing any parent wanted was to see their kid off while their kid was upset with them. He didn't really know what to say to make it better. It was a huge load for Naris.

"I'm sorry, son. I hope that one day you'll be able to forgive me and move on from this like I did fourteen years ago. I also hope that everything works out well for you and your lady. Make sure you keep in touch. Your mom is going to want to know everything."

"Thanks. I'm sure in due time, things will be okay."

"I love you."

"Love you too, Pops." Naris hugged him and found his lady. They waved bye to everyone and were on their way.

Shayy was not happy at all to see him leave her but she was proud of him for chasing his dreams. Nigel walked her back into the house and Synyai followed. Natasha, who'd said her goodbyes earlier was in the room knocked out. Shayy got dinner started as everyone else went into the family room. She held back her tears and cooked up some pork chops, mac and cheese, greens beans and garlic bread.

Once the food was done, she got everyone in the dinning room and they said their prayers and began eating. It was quiet as everyone came to accept the fact that Naris would be moving down to Florida for good. He was a grown man but he was still her baby.

"This is so depressing and definitely not good for the pregnant hormonal woman at the table." Natasha shook her head.

"Sorry." Shayy responded. "How are you feeling?"

"Okay. I really want to eat this food though but I'm so over the nausea."

"I definitely understand your struggle. But, it's best that you eat and then let the nausea take over instead of not eating at all. Drink water as you eat."

"I'll try that." She got up and grabbed a bottled water out the fridge. "Anyone want anything before I sit down?" Everyone shook their head.

"How's Tjay?"

"Uh, he's okay. He says he's happy that he's already physically fit because some of the trainees are most likely gonna die working out." Natasha shrugged.

"Well, good thing it's going okay for him. Have you seen Troy or Shena yet?"

"I am actually going to swing over there tomorrow."

"That's good. They have been asking for you."

"Yeah, people get hella excited when there's a baby on the way. This is torture." Natasha slowly bit into her food.

"Yeah, well Tjay is almost thirty with no kids, hell yeah they are going to be excited." They all shared a laugh.

"Well, I think everything will work out with him." She smiled.

"That's good. I would hope so." Shayy responded.

They ate their dinner then slowly departed the table. Natasha first to throw up dinner, then Junior to play with his new calculator. Nigel was next to wash up.

"What are you two up to?" Shayy asked as she and the twins stayed seated.

"You can go upstairs mama. We will clean up." Juan responded.

"What's going on with y'all?" Shayy raised an eyebrow.

"We want to help out. We figured we should start picking up around the house, you know, to help you out. We've also arranged for our friends and coach to bring us home from practices. That way, you don't have to worry about who to pick up first or whatever." Synyai explained.

"That's sweet of you two, but you don't have to do that. Your dad and I will figure it out." She pulled them both into a hug. "I will however take you up on the cleaning. Thank you." She kissed their cheeks.

Shayy headed upstairs and Nigel was walking back and forth on the phone. She stood in the doorway and waited for him. From his side of the conversation, she could tell it was serious. She walked into the room and started to undress. She was tired from the day and needed a hot bath.

She unbuttoned her jeans and slid them off. Nigel stopped pacing, but kept talking. She paid him no mind. She removed her Trustworthy's t-shirt. Nigel continued talking but didn't remove his eyes from be beautiful sight in front of him. Three pregnancies and she worked hard to make sure you couldn't tell.

Shayy removed all of her jewelry and put her hair up in a bun. She then proceeded to take off her bra, only for the clasp to get stuck. Nigel was behind her in two long steps. He helped her get the clasp undone. He was barely paying attention to Marcos on the other end considering his cold hands were touching her hot skin.

"Thanks babe." She said as the bra fell to the floor. She bent over as she removed her black and pink Victoria Secret panties.

"Bro, let me call you back." Nigel hung up and tossed the phone on the bed. He looked down at his growing erection and groaned.

"Is everything okay?"

"No." He looked down again and her eyes followed.

"With the phone call, silly." She unbuttoned his shirt.

"There is a problem with one of our stocks." He watched her fingers move with ease.

"What kind of problem?" She asked pushing the shirt from his shoulders.

"There is $59, 000 missing."

"What?" Her hand paused on his belt buckle.

"Marcos is taking a look into it and so is your team. Something or someone isn't right. I'm not particularly hurting for 59g's but that's not okay with business."

"Well, we need to make sure that's taken care of this week. The auditors will be there next week." She continued removing his belt and proceeded to unbutton his pants. He stepped out out of them and his boxers ten seconds later. He was now just as free as she was and he knew where he wanted to be. He grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and he rested his arms on her shoulders.

"You've been looking stressed out lately." He said looking into her eyes. He could see the bags under her eyes and the sleep deprivation in her face.

"It's my duty as a mother of five, six if we include you." She gave a weak smile.

"I think you're working too hard."

"The twins think so too. They've volunteered to clean up around the house more and organize rides to and from practices."

"I think that's a good idea. How about you take a few days off from work too. It's not like you have to go in. Cyrus and Macon have your team under complete control. I'll book you some time at a resort. You haven't seen your sisters in awhile. Sounds like something to do with them. Catch up on your sleep and relax."

"That sounds good. But, right now, I want a hot bath and for you to make love to me." She smiled.

"That, we can do." He kissed her lips. Anything and everything to make his wife happy. He'd clearly failed in that department the last couple of weeks. He had some making up to do.

Family Business (L&B Sequel) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now