never alone

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JJ's dad left the island and he doesn't know how to deal with it. It's a little dark but also sweet.

TW: angst, alcohol and weed


"Jayj c'mon. Get down from there." Kiara says with an exhaustion and annoyance in her voice. "C'mon, it isn't funny."

"Did you say something princess?" JJ's tone is harsh and mean, his eyebrows slightly raised like he's challenging her.

"JJ." She says loud and clear, with an angry tone. "That's enough." She ads, warning him.

He doesn't care. He just brushed her attempt at a threat off easily, chuckling at her face with a grin


He's drunk. High. Wasted. Completely shitfaced.

The last few days has been complete hell. The thoughts in his head has been louder than ever and the voices are tearing him down piece by piece. He can't relax or sleep cause there's a constant stabbing feeling in his stomach and a constant pressure in his chest.

He's felt like this countless of times.

When it's happened in the past he's dealt with it by disappearing for a few hours or sometimes days. The pouges knows that this is how he deals with shit, he needs space and to completely distant himself from them. To then come back like nothing has ever happened, like everything's fine. John B has tried to get him to talk and stay over at the chateau, but he gave up on trying when they were only ten and JJ had screamed at him to leave him alone. For JJ, it wasn't about him being in danger or at risk of getting hurt, it was about him not wanting his best friend and brother to see him like that. Since then, John B hasn't pushed JJ to do anything or to talk about it. He still tries to encourage him and be as supportive as possible, but it's difficult when it gets this bad.

Pope isn't really happy about the situation either, neither are Sarah and Cleo, but they don't stand a chance to get JJ to listen. They've all tried, despite John B's contradictory statements about how JJ won't budge, cause this is how he's always dealt with it. This way has always worked for him, it's what's best for all of them, according to himself. He doesn't want any of his friends to see him like that, to even feel a fragment of what he feels. He doesn't want them to get hurt, in any way or form. He can't bare it.

This time it isn't just about one thing, it isn't just his usual problems of getting into to unnecessary fights or doing something stupid that makes him get into trouble with the local police.
It's his also dad.

And no. He hasn't done that. He barley touched JJ. Rather the complete opposite.

He left.

Sailed away from the island, left Outer Banks and everything behind. Including JJ.

He's never coming back.


It's good news.


He's finally gone and JJ can finally move on.


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