the third & fourth

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It's now been over a month since they last met each other. This time it was harder for Kiara to stop thinking about it, about him. The big thing that's running through her mind is that he knew her name. In some way, without her telling him, he knew it. How?
Had he seen her before that night? Or maybe he told someone about that night and that person knew who she was? All these scenarios is filling Kiaras head and it's frustrating her that she doesn't know which ones the right one.

The third time they meet, is at a party on the beach (aka a kegger). But this meeting is different from the other two. This time the boy come across Kiara.

"Sarah, I'm gonna go get another drink. Do you want one?"

"No I'm good"

Kiara walked over to the drinks table, leaving her friend on the dance floor. She has her own reusable cup with her, as she always have. Which she does because she care about the environment and she doesn't want to contribute to the red plastic cups that will be laying all over the beach the next morning. She had actually cleaned up a few times before, both with Sarah and by herself. It made her feel better knowing that the plastic cups got recycled instead of destroying and killing the planet and animals.

Kiara's filling up her cup with some beer. It isn't her favourite. It's not a enjoyable drink and neither tasteful but it was ok if she drank it slowly, only taking small sips.

"Why'd you bring your own cup when there's plenty here?"

Kiara didn't acknowledge who she was talking too, she was focused on filling up her cup.

"Cause it's reusable, which means I won't be wasting plastic by just throwing it away the second I'm done with my drink. Which isn't good for the planet."

"Shit, the kook princess cares about the environment."

Kook princess.
Kiara recognised those words. She turned her head to the left, looking at who she's standing next to. It was the boy. He's blonde hair is still fluffy but the bruises and the blood on his face has faded away. She suddenly gets nervous but plays it off, trying to sound unbothered.

"Yeah, don't you?"

"Nah, I love plastic. I use it everyday. Love the stuff. "

The boy smirked and chuckled as he walked away.

The fourth time they meet is later the same night. It's getting late and people are leaving, there's only a few people left and some of them are grabbing their stuff and is about to leave.
Kiara has said goodbye to Sarah, who had to be home by 1am but it was now almost 2am. Kiara decided to stay a while, cleaning up a bit before heading home.

After cleaning up for a while, Kiara goes down to the beach to look for some more red cups or other garbage before heading home.
And there he is. Sitting in the sand with a red cup in his hand, looking out on the water.

Kiara hesitated at first but decided to go and sit down next to the boy.
He didn't turn to look at her but he knew she was there. It was silent for awhile, only the sound of waves was heard.

Kiara had thought about what she would say to the boy about that night, the first time they met, or if she should say something at all. But she wanted to.

She changed her mind the second she was about to say something about it.

"Why are you sitting here alone?"

The boy takes a deep breath and sighs.

"Can't go home."

He has no emotion when he says it. Like he's completely empty.

Kiara tries to find the right thing to say but it's hard. She doesn't know the boy, not even his name. But what she does know is that he's broken and that it's probably got to do with his dad.

"Where are you staying for the night then?"

"Don't know."

He sounds unbothered as he take a sip of his beer, but this time with a slight hint of sadness in his tone. Kiara decides to change subject, not wanting him to feel bad.

"You wanna help me pick up plastic cups?"

The boy looked at her. For longer than he anticipated. She looked peaceful and that made him feel safe. Like nothing would happen to him while she was there.


They began picking up the red cups, there wasn't many left but Kiara still appreciated the help. They don't say anything to each other, they just pick them up in silence. It isn't an awkward silence, it is peaceful.

"Thanks for the help."

Kiara smiles at the boy.

"No problem."

The boy gives Kiara his cups. And when he does, their hands touches. It's only for a second and very subtle but it's enough for the boy to remember.

"Wait. I- You're the one who-."

The boy's mood suddenly changes, like he's in a hurry.

"I gotta go."

He picks up his stuff, with panicked motions.

"Oh ok.. But what about your dad-"

They boy stops, looks at Kiara with an serious and almost threatening look. Kiara gets an instant feeling of regret. She shouldn't have said that.

"You know nothing about me, ok?! So don't act all kind to me and shit. You understand?!"

Kiara feels stupid. She knows it's not her place to say anything or bring that up. But she can't help to feel like she wants to help him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"Yeah sure you didn't."

The boy storms off. Kiara is fighting the urge to run after him. She knows she shouldn't. In many ways they're still strangers to each other which makes her not obligated to do so. But it doesn't stop her from wanting to.

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