the fifth

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It's been a little less than a week since the keggers. Kiara's on her way home from Sarah where she spent the night. It's about 10 in the morning, the sun is bright and warm but it's still a bit chilly. She's walking past the food store when she sees two people coming out of the police station. One of them is a man between the ages of 45-55. He's got some stubble, jeans, a tank top with a short sleeved shirt over it. Although Kiara has never seen him, she feels her stomach twist like somethings bad is about to happen.

"Dad, I'm gonna pay you back-"

"Shut up and get in the car."

She recognise that voice. It's the boy..

Kiara watch the two of them get into the car. The boy hesitates at first, like he's scared. He's just about to turn the other way when he opens the car door and gets in. Kiara can see that they're saying something but she can't hear what. His dad looks really mad, he looks like he's about to explode any second.
And he does.

He hits the boy right in the face with his fist. So hard that blood splatters on the window. Kiara feels her stomach twist, like she's about to throw up. The boy gets hit again and again, causing more blood to splatter all over his seat. Kiara's frozen in her place, her brain can't understand what's going on in front of her eyes. The boy doesn't resist, he just lets it happen. After what feels like forever, his dad stops and drives away. Shit.

The fifth time they meet is just a few hours later. Kiara has just finished surfing and is now sitting on the docks with her legs hanging down. Her feet is slightly touching the chilled water as she thinks about the events earlier this day.

She hates herself for not doing anything. She could've screamed, gone to get help or anything. But she couldn't, it was like she was in shock.

Her thoughts gets interrupted by a loud noise. She looks around trying to find where it comes from.
Someone's laying in the sand with a beer in their hand.

"Hey! Are you ok?!"

The person doesn't answer.
Kiara stands up and starts walking over there to see who it is. As she gets closer she's met with the boy. He's laying on his back with his head turned to the side. He looks like he did the night they first met but even worse.. He has a split in his lip, blood on his shirt and bruises on his neck and face. He also stinks off alcohol and weed.

Kiara gets a hit by a huge wave of guilt. His wounds are from earlier today, in the car outside the police station. She regrets not doing anything. She was there and she saw it all happen before her eyes but it was like she couldn't move.

She sits down next to him, turns him around and tries to wake him up. He looks completely knocked out but fortunately he still has a pulse.

"Hey, open your eyes."

He doesn't respond.

"Fuck. Come on you gotta open your eyes.. Come on just-"

She stops herself, trying to gather all of her emotions. She feels scared, confused and like all of it is her fault. Her mind is heavy and overwhelmed with all of the different emotions, she can't process them.

She close her eyes and takes a deep breath, shifting her focus on the current situation. She lifts his head up and places it in her lap, removing his hair from his face. She gently strokes her finger down the bridge of his nose, his forehead and a cheeks.

Her focus is now completely on the boy. Despite all his cuts and bruises, his beauty still shines through. Kiara doesn't know why but there's something about this boy that makes her feel things. But these thing, these feelings, are really confusing.

The boy suddenly twitches and starts coughing. He looks around, confused about where he is until he meets her eyes.

He quickly leaves Kiaras lap. Backing away from her.

"What the fuck are you doing?!"

He sounds disgusted and angry. His voice is a bit shaky, probably from the alcohol and weed he's consumed.
Kiara feels her stomach twisting, she's sick of all this. Helping someone that clearly doesn't appreciate it.

"I was helping you."

"I don't need your help."

"But you were completely passed out! You looked like-"

Kiara hesitates, should she say it or not. But what difference does it make, he already dislikes her.

"Like you did the night we first met."

His face turns red and he grits his teeth.


"Don't what?"

"Don't bring that shit up!"


"Cause I wanna fucking forget it!"

His words hit her right in the stomach and it fills up with butterflies. He looks like he's surprised by his own words, like he wasn't suppose to say them. It's quiet for a while. An awkward silence. 

Kiara looks up at him and notices blood running down his cheek. Without thinking, she reaches for it and starts wiping it off with her thumb.

"Don't fucking touch me!!"

Kiara backs away.

"Shit I'm sorry I-"

"You know what?!"

The boy stands up and looks down at her.
Kiara feels her pulse raising, she's so done with all his bullshit. The boy chuckles and bites his lip. Kiara stands up and meets his eyes.


"You're a fucking bitch who thinks everything evolves around her! That you can just run around doing whatever you want, being served everything you want whenever you want. And you have this belief that you're a saint or some shit, that you can just fix everyone's problem! When in reality you're just a noisy kook princess that feeds off on pretending to be  humble and sweet, pretending that you actually care. But guess what?! I don't fucking buy your bullshit, I can see right through your-"

Kiara cuts him off by slapping him right in the face. She hits him really hard, that he slightly stumbles back. Kiara's pulse is beating fast, adrenaline is pumping through her veins.
He looks up at her in shock. Like her slapping him was the last thing he thought would happen.

"You have no fucking right to say that."

Kiaras voice is sturdy and clear. 

"I was only doing what I thought was right. And what any other human being would do if they saw a person laying passed out on the ground. I don't care if you don't "need" my help or not. I'm not gonna ignore anyone who's hurt."

The boy looks at her with a blank face, like he's lost at words. But Kiara wants to leave, she's so done with all of this, with him. She gives him a quick look before grabbing her surfboard and leaving.

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