the ninth

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{Three weeks later}

After everything's that happened between the kook girl and the pouge boy, they both realised that they need each other. They complement parts of each other's personalities and how their minds works in such an unique way. It's like something clicked in both of them, that this is how it's supposed to be and how it's supposed to feel. So for the last weeks they've hung out a lot, talked and enjoyed each other's company.

One thing that has happened is that JJ has introduced Kiara to his best friends John B and Pope. It was a good meeting but quite short and they haven't met each other since. JJ was really nervous about them meeting, not because he was scared of them not getting along but because his friends would expose him. He knew that John B or Pope one hundred percent would say something whether it's on purpose or not.

One thing that hasn't happened is them talking about their almost kiss. They both think about it a lot, it pops in to their heads from time to time, especially when they're close or when something more intimate or flirty happens.

It's a scary thing to (almost) kiss someone, well at least when you have such strong feelings towards one another, which they definitely have. But those feelings are still unspoken. Even though they've talked a lot and hung out almost every hour of the day for the last weeks, they're still shy and keeps those thing to themselves. Despite that they're both completely comfortable around each other there's still this undertone of tension between them. Both try their best to ignore it because it's something that neither of them can explain or dare to think about. The push the feelings down and tries to think about something else or distract themselves from their thoughts. But for how long can the two of them ignore the feeling?


One night they where laying in the hammock together, looking at the stars. They had been chatting for hours, enjoying each other's company to the fullest.

Kiara grabs JJ's hand, playing and stroking it with her fingers. She drags her fingers along his hand and up on his arm. Her touch makes him get goosebumps.
Kiara loves the way JJ responds to her touch. He's so beautifully innocent in a sweet and playful way. He gets so quiet and shy but also really impatient like he wants more and more, almost like a child. Kiara gently strokes her fingers on his arm and he carefully watches her do it. He follows her every move, like he's enchanted by her touch.

"You're so cute."

JJ blushes, knowing exactly what she's referring to. He's really bad at hiding this side of him, it's something he's new too and he feels kinda embarrassed about it. But Kiara makes him feel safe, she doesn't judge him or make fun of him for being a little cheesy or childish.

This has happened a lot recently and it becomes natural and normal to them. Being close, always sitting next to each other and having at least a leg on their lap or a hand on theirs, stroking it or playing with it. They also compliment each other a lot, more than they think and more than normal friends do. It's usually small things about each other's personality or looks, but they always mean more than the other person thinks. This has became their way of communicating their feelings and thoughts towards each other. Although they would never admit it, not out loud and neither to themselves.

{Present day}

Kiara is on her way to meet JJ. She's just got out of work and is excited to spend some time with him. The drive is nice, music is playing on the radio and she feels happy.

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