hot tub

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so this is my version of the hot tub scene, it's a bit different but kinda has the same idea.
hope you enjoy :)

TW: alcohol, smut, angst


Kiara and JJ have been fighting a lot lately, more than usual, about stupid and unnecessary things, having small fallouts that only lasts a few minutes. Like how JJ took the last beer without asking if anyone else wanted it or him saying a dumb joke that's slightly offensive and Kiara telling him he's acting like a idiot or a child and that he can't say or do those things.

JJ is always teasing Kiara, flirting and joking around with her. It's normal, it's how their relationship works. He does or say something that annoys or triggers her or someone else and she lectures him about how he can't do or say that.
But it's changed. JJ's gotten a lot more unbothered about his actions and he's become more childish than usual. He's also started to distance himself from the pouges, not staying as long when they all hang out at the chateau or him just disappearing for a day and not answering his phone. It's normal for him to disappear a few hours sometimes but him being gone for days isn't normal, so Kiara started to worry. Really worry.

{Flashback to their fallout}

Kiara was working at her parents restaurant, The Wreck. Where she serves customers, sweep the floors and sometimes do the dishes. This day there was a lot of costumers, more than usual, which meant Kiara had a lot to do and felt stressed. The only good thing with a lot of costumers was that the day went on pretty fast, cause there was always stuff to do, people to serve and plates to clean.

Then later in the evening, when there was only few people left, JJ came barged in, drunk and acting like a complete idiot.
Kiara was standing at a table taking orders when she heard JJ's voice.


Kiara turned around and saw the boy fighting with her dad. Her stomach turned, knowing it won't end well. Everyone else at the restaurant stopped what they were doing and looked at the scene.

"JJ,  you have to leave. Now."

Kiara's dad spoke calmly to the drunk and worked up JJ. Kiara couldn't just stand there and watch so she walked up to them.

"JJ? What are you doing here?"

"Kieeee! Your dad here doesn't want to let me in to your pretty little restaurant."

"Because you're drunk and has already scared some of our costumers away."


"JJ please leave."

Kiara's dad tried to reason with JJ.

"I'll get you some water and something to eat if you leave."

"Oh wow that's so generous! Mr Carrera everyone! The most generous "kook" there is!"

JJ had a sarcastic tone his voice, mocking Kiara's dad. Which is never the best thing to do.

"If you don't leave right now I'll call the cops."

His voice was harsh and clear, trying to scare the boy. But JJ just laughed in his face.

"Dad, I'll handle this."

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