you can't plan your feelings

649 6 2

TW: violence, guns, angst, self harm


The mission was to get the gold and get out. Easy and smooth. But as she reached the room where the gold was supposed to be, there was no gold left. Which meant someone has moved it or it had never been there to begin with.


Kiara slams the door shut in frustration, a bit too louder than anticipated, alerting the ship staff.

"Hey, what was that?"

"I don't know probably some rat or pipe."

"Nah, sounded like a door slamming shut.."

Kiara hears their footsteps coming closer, which means the way she came in is a no go. If she goes out that way they'll see her. Her eyes scans the room, desperately trying to find something, a window or a-
There, a vent.

Kiara climbs up some crates and boxes, reaching for the vent. Her heart is beating really fast and her hands are sweaty. She fumbles with the vent for a few seconds before she finally gets it open. The footsteps has stopped and she hears them trying to get the door open.

"That's weird."


"It's already open-"

Quickly, she slinks into the vent just as they enter the room. She has no time to close it. She has to move, now. The only thing she can do is hope they don't notice it being open.

The space is really tight and dusty. The only light source is a small gaps between the metal walls that's surrounding her.

She crawls for about 3 minutes until she finally reaches a way out. She stops right at the metal bar, listening if there's someone out there before she crawls out. She stands up, wiping herself off from all the dust and dirt.

"Ok, let's get out of here. Quietly."

Kiara looks through the room. Searching for something she can defend herself with, just in case she runs into the ship staff again. There's a lot of boxes and crates in this room too, filled with packing peanuts and bubble wrap. She grabs a crowbar that's resting against the wall and opens up a crate. At first glance there's only packing peanuts but something is sticking out from under. She digs through the crate, causing the peanuts to fly out.

"Holy shit."

It's a gun. She digs a further down finding ever more guns, the whole crate is full of them. She opens another one, another one and another one. They're all full of guns and heavy weapons.

"They're smuggling this shit?"

Kiara's had her few shares with guns before. She was highly against them for a long time but after J- after she learned how to properly use and handle a gun, it became natural. Even though it shouldn't be for an 18 year old. She grabs a magnum gun and inspects it.

"I'm sure they won't miss one.."

She also grabs some ammunition that's laying on a shelf and loads the gun before putting it in the back of her shorts.
She takes a deep breath and sneaks out the door. She opens it carefully so it doesn't make any sound. The coast is clear.

She's walking through a long and narrow corridor, trying to find her way out. It's really wet and warm, like an aquarium at the zoo, and it smells like fish and mould.

She reaches a staircase with a big sign on the wall saying "EXIT". She walks up the staircase, which is leading up to the deck and goes out. There's no staff out here, from what she can see at least, but she stays hunched down anyways, just in case.  The sun is gazing down on her, it's really hot and bright. There's crates all over the floor and big containers with white and red numbers and letters on them.

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