you can't plan your feelings pt.2

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TW: angst and anxiety, self harm, teeny tiny bit of smut (like extremely little)

sorry if this feels a bit rushed.. hope you like it anyway:)


"Come on let's hide in here."

JJ opens a big green container and helps Kiara inside, closing it behind him.

"I have to leave I- I can't be here I-"

"I know I know, but we have to lay low for a bit. They're looking for us."

Kiara nods, looking down on the hard metal floor. Her breathing is still bad, she can't calm down.

JJ notices her anxious behaviour and quickly sits down at her.

"Hey, you ok?"

"Yeah.. I- I'm fine."

Kiara doesn't want him to see this side of her. To see her weak and helpless. She looks away from him, trying her hardest to calm down. She tries to think happy thoughts, about the ocean and Sarah, her parents and-


She pinches her arm, really hard, digging her nails down into her skin. The pain is causing her to tear up. For a moment she forgets that the person she hates, the one who completely betrayed her and broke her heart, is seeing everything that's happening.

JJ looks at the girl in front of him. The sight of her hurting herself sends shivers down his whole body. He knows about Kiaras anxiety, but he didn't think it was this bad. He hates seeing her like this, suffering. He acts quickly and takes her hands into his.

"What are you doing-"

JJ doesn't answer, he just squeezes her hands. Trying to calm her down.

"Don't t-touch me."

Kiara's voice is shaky, she's both angry and sad. She pulls her hands away from his, hating the feeling of his skin against hers. It reminds her of the past. She feels frustrated and tired, really tired.

Kiara turns around, sitting down on some crates. She fumbles with her hands and her legs are bouncing up and down. Her breathing is heavy and her body is shaking, like she's cold even though it's really hot in the container.

JJ knows he's not the person she wants help from but he can't let her sit there in pain. Despite their past, he still hates to see her suffer.


JJ speaks softly and quietly, wanting to get her attention but not anger her anymore.

"Kie let me help-"


Kiara's voice echoes through the small space. Her eyes are red and wet from tears, she looks completely broken.

"Stop acting like you care! You're the one who betrayed me! Ok?! You left me, without any explanation at all!"

"I know I'm sorry.."

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