being close

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hello :) so this is my first jiara imagine that's been in my drafts for way too long. i haven't edited it that much so there may be some mistakes.. (sorry about that)

but i hope you enjoy this and I'll post more soon! you're also welcome to leave requests for imagines, just comment them or dm me :)


I'm laying in my bed flicking through some old magazines waiting for Sarah to text me. Me, Sarah, JJ and John B are about to go out on the boat together, Pope couldn't join this time cause he has scholarship stuff to do.

My phone buzzes, it's Sarah.

Sarah: Hey, come outside and bring your bag.

I send her a quick reply, grabs my bag, let my parents know (even though they're not happy about me hanging about with pouges bla bla..) and runs outside to meet Sarah and John B.

John B: Sup Kie.

Me: Hello there.

Sarah: Are we ready to go? JJ's already at the chateau.

Me: Yeah let's go.

The chateau looks more beaten up every time I see it, but it's home. It's felt more like home than my actual home for a while, I feel safe here.

John B: I'll go and set up the boat, could you grab the cooler Kie? It's in the chateau.

Me: Yeah sure.

Sarah follows John B while I go to grab the cooler. When I come in I see JJ laying like a dead fish on the couch sleeping. There's some empty beer bottles all on the floor, on the table and some on top of him. There's also two or three joints in the ashtray. I decide to take a plastic bag to clean up a bit before waking him up.

Me: JJ?

I get no response.

Me: JJ?! *I say louder this time*

But he doesn't move at all, so I fill up a glass of cold water and splashes it in his face.


JJ coughs and squints his eyes trying to see something behind his tired, and now wet, eyes.

JJ: Fuck Kie. What was that good for? *wipes the water off*

Me: Waking you up. Now get dressed and come help me with the cooler.

JJ slowly gets up from the couch. He grabs a t-shirt and puts it on.

Me: Pick up some of the bottles too. *I point to the plastic bag*

JJ: Ughhh fine. *whines*

JJ starts picking up bottles and puts them in the plastic bag. I'm filling up the cooler with water and soda when I hear JJ whining once again.

Me: What now? *I say annoyed*

JJ: I have a headache. Can't I just go to sleep again..

Me: No. Take an aspirin, stop whining and come help me take these out to the boat.

I point to the coolers standing on the kitchen floor.

JJ: Fine. *opens the kitchen drawers and looks for some pain killers.* We're out.

Me: Take some out of my bag then, they're in the front pocket.

JJ: *lifts up a condom* Extra small huh? *laughs*

Me: Yeah I got it for you. *smiles*

JJ: Shut up.

Me: Why? Is it too big?

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