the sixth

713 9 1

TW: anxiety and panic attack

The next day they meet for the sixth time. Kiara is working a shift at her parents restaurant The Wreck. She's taking orders, washing dishes and cleaning. The whole day has been quite stressful, they've had a lot of costumers which meant a lot of orders and dishes. Kiara could handle stress on a certain level but this was way too much. Costumers are being rude and not understanding about the situation, that there is a lot for Kiara and her parents to do and it takes time to serve everyone. On top of all that, she didn't sleep well last night. She couldn't stop thinking about her meeting with the boy. His words is running through her head.

"Pretending to be humble and sweet"

"Pretending to actually care"

"You're a fucking bitch who thinks everything evolves around her!"

Kiara snaps out of her thoughts when her dad tells her to go take orders. She walks to a table that's been reading the menu for a while.

"Are you ready to order?"

A boy with brown hair and brown eyes looks up from behind the menu. He's about Kiaras age and smiles kindly towards her.

"I'll have the burger with fries."

"And to drink?"

"Uhm.. A coke."

Kiara writes the order down.

"Sure. What about you?"

The other boy who's sitting with his head low, looks up at Kiara. He has blond hair that sticks out of a grey beaten up cap. They meet each other's eyes and they both realise at the same time.

It's him again. The boy.

"I'll have the same."

He says it in a monotone way.


The boy looks right at her. Trying to keep eye contact, waiting for her to talk or do something. Kiara's heart is beating fast, she wants to leave, just walk away and don't look back but it's like she's stuck.


The brown haired boy speaks, breaking the frozen time. He kindly smirks at Kiara, trying to save this awkward situation.

"Uh so is that all?"

The boys nod. Kiara grabs the menu's, turns around and walks off, through the crowd of people, to the back of the restaurant, through the kitchen and out the back door. Her breathing is heavy and she feels lightheaded.

"Shit shit. Just breathe Kiara, just breathe."

She tried to calm herself down but it won't work. Tears starts to stream down her face. Why did he stare at her like that? He was the one who yelled at her and said those horrible things about her. But it was like he felt sorry, like he felt regret when he saw her.

She gets frustrated that she feels like this. It's not a big deal, it wasn't that awkward or bad she's just tired and overworked. The whole situation isn't a big deal so there's nothing to panic about, she's completely fine. He's the one who should be feeling bad, not her.

But those thoughts doesn't help. They just get worse and her head starts spinning. She loses her balance and falls into some garbage bags and cardboard boxes.


Kiara's head is beating, she almost feel nauseous. But her determination to get up is too strong, she braces herself using all her energy. But her balance fails again, she's just about to fall to the ground before she feels someone catching her.

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