Why the heel?

950 38 8

Elena Romano

Tw: More language than usual

Gabriella springs into action first and then Noah. Both of them start running. Noah away from Gabriella and Gabriella towards Noah. At first, I was shocked at how fast she was running with heels on, but then saw that she was barefoot. "Where are her shoes?", I asked Estelle, who is next to me. "Someone tried to pull her by her heels, so she unbuckled them.", she said, almost sounding bored. "Oh.", I reply. Because I have no idea what to say to that. "Shit.", Estelle grabs my arm and starts running with me, "We have to help her, if he calls for help we're fucking murdered.", she whisper shouts.

I do my best at running with her at the same speed, but I can't do this. Not with heels on. "I can't-", I say between pants, "My feet-", another greedy inhale of air, "Hurt-", I finally finish. Estelle looks at me and then looks back at Noah and Gabriella. Who almost reached the building's gates. "Fuck this shit.", she exhales. Estelle unclips her long hairstyle and ties it into a ponytail that reaches her lower waist. She bends over and does something I can't see. Before going to Noah and Gabriella, she turns to me and says, "That van is ours.", she points with her head behind me, "The keys are in the ignition. Drive closer to us.". She doesn't wait for my answer and walks to the gates.

I turn around to realize the van is closer than I thought, so I run up to it and get in. Thankfully, the keys are in the ignition. Just like she said. I turn it on, but still. What am I doing? I don't know how to drive! This is bad. This is really, really bad. My eyes flicker around for any instructions, but I don't see any. God, I'm useless. I turn the key and start the car. It can't be that hard, right. Ok, Elena, you can do this.

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

"I can do this.", I inhale and exhale one last time. A startled scream escapes me, when I see a man in front of the car. How did he get there? When did he get there? "Who are you!?", he yells out. That's when I notice that he has a gun. And it's pointed at me. I need to back away and circle around him. Fast. I take another long deep breath in and push the brakes. "I asked who the fuc-", his voice is cut off by me hitting him with the van. "No- I- I didn't mean to!", I let out a groan of frustration. Slowly, I try to back away from the body. I succeed. Now to circle around the body. At that I don't really succeed. I run over the body two more times, before finally driving to the entrance near the gates.

Now I have to wait for the girls. I don't even get to wait five minutes, though, before I hear yells and pants. I get out of the car and see the sight in front of me. Noah has two bulky men behind him and Gabriella is held at gun point. I think I have to do something. But what? I'm so not good under pressure. Where was Estelle? I thought she went to help Gabriella in catching Noah. "Ahh, Elena, how lovely of you to join us.", Noah laughs. I see that one of his men is pointing his gun at me. But Noah's gun stays on Gabriella.

"Now where is the third one?", he mumbles to himself, "Grab her, Edward.", he orders to the guy who's pointing his gun at me. The guy, who's probably Edward, nods and starts to walk towards me. I'm panicking. What do I do? Do I run? Do I fight back? Do I cry? I really wanna cry right now. He grabs my arm and I'm ready to fight back, when something hits him in the forehead. And everything stills. Then my senses come back. And I realize that all I see is blood. Then I squeeze my eyes shut back, but I still feel the blood. It's on my face, it's on my hands, it's everywhere. It won't go away. Why won't it go away? Concentrate, Elena. What happened? Focus. On. What. Happened.

I take a deep breath and slowly unsqueeze my eyes to see a horrible picture in front of me. The guy who grabbed me was laying on his back right in front of me. His eyes were still open, yet they were lifeless. He didn't move. He didn't breathe. He was dead. My eyes trailed up to the cause of his death and see something sticking out of his forehead. I crouch down next to him and see that it's something extremely sharp and small. It's...a heel? I glance at Gabriella who is still held at gun point by an extremely surprised and shocked Noah.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu