The Truth

671 24 3

Elena Romano

Last night, I silently put everything back into my bag, took a shower, and put on sweatpants with a loose shirt. I was still in shock. Now, is a fresh morning and I'm ready to confront some people. I tie my hair in a high ponytail and put on some simple jeans, paired with a green turtleneck. I checked myself in the mirror and nodded. I looked confrontational enough. Now for the part itself. I walked out of the bedroom and started to walk towards the kitchen, where I heard voices coming from the most. Someone in this mansion definitely knew where Noah was being held. If he wasn't already killed.

I walked to the kitchen and to my relief saw Gabriella, Kai, and a few other men joking around. Though, Gabriella was sitting in the farthest chair, focusing on something on her phone. "Well, the sleepy head finally woke up!", Kai fake applauded, "It's ten thirty am, Elena.", he shook his head. I felt my face flush with embarrassment. "Did yesterday's mission tire you out, princess?", he chuckled, clearly making a harmless joke. The other three men next to him laughed a little too. "As if you did anything productive this morning, Sato. Only drank coffee, telling people there's nothing in it, when I know damn right there's some wine mixed with it.", Gabriella spoke up.

When she said that, the kitchen was silent for a few heartbeats before Kai shook his head, "You caught me. I'm slightly drunk. Still have sharper aim than you though.", he joked again and looked up to meet Gabriella's glare. Gabriella opened her mouth to respond, but closed it back when another voice rang out. Estelle's. "How about you'll leave and I won't have to test out my own aim on your big ass forehead?", she said. The men burst out laughing, while Kai didn't find it funny. He frowned and rolled his eyes. "Estelle.", he acknowledged her. "Kai.", she acknowledged him back. Both stood for a few minutes, just glaring. Until. Kai glanced at his watch and walked away like nothing happened.

Estelle quickly shot a glare at the remaining men in the kitchen, "Get to work before I shoot you.", she ordered and they quickly scurried off to their places. Estelle sat across from Gabriella and lied her head on her arms, with a groan. "Rough morning?", Gabriella speaks up with a smirk on her face. Estelle quickly looks up and narrows her eyes, "You do it, if you're such a smartass.". Gabriella shakes her head, "Can't.". I stepped closer and sat down next to Estelle, "Can't what?", I think I had an idea. "Nothing.", Estelle quickly replies, "Nothing important.". It was definitely something important. There was something they weren't telling me. Something that I had to find out for myself. "Where's Noah?", I went straight to the point, "Where are you hiding him?". Estelle and Gabriella exchanged glances and, in unison, looked back at me, "We don't know.", they lied.

"You're lying. I know you are.", I straightened up, "I'm gonna find out, sooner or later.". Gabriella rolled her eyes and Estelle dropped her head back into her arms. They, both, were clearly unfazed by my threat. "Listen, Elena, we would tell you, but you should ask your husband-". I raised my hand and interrupted her, "My fiance.". Gabriella rolled her eyes for the second time. "Whatever. I don't give a fuck.". And she was right. I could ask my fiance for answers, but there would be a chance he would also lie. But there was one person who knew the answers to my questions and wouldn't lie to me.

I got up and started walking to the exit. "Where do you think you're going?", yelled Gabriella yelled after me. "I'm going home.", I yelled back and left the building. There was a car outside and inside was the driver. Did he stay in one place the whole day? I opened the car door and sat down inside, "Romano residence please.", I said with the bravest voice I could manage. The driver looked at me in the rear view mirror, smiled, and nodded. Then the car started and we set off.


I had absolutely no idea if Carlos was home or on a business trip, but I had to see for myself. I mumbled a thank you to the driver and got out of the car. I took in the sight before me. Just like before, one of the most beautiful houses in Italy was in front of me. I didn't realize until now, how much I missed it and longed for it. Even if it did store one of my biggest nightmares. It was still the house I grew up in. The house is surrounded by a garden with lush greenery, flowers of all colors, and a small pond with the sound of running water. It was the description of beauty on the outside, but not the inside. Because as soon as my father would see me back at home, he would likely shoot me without hesitation.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now