The Open Door

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Elena Romano

There are two types of mafia princesses. The first type is a cool and collected mafia princess, while also knows how to defend herself and use a gun. The other type is where the mafia princess is smart, but also dumb at the same time. She has no clue on how to use any kind of combat and might shoot herself while trying to use a gun. But she's a tech genius, so that has to count for something, right? In my opinion, the second type is the best. But if you want a story about a femme fatale mafia princess you're in the wrong place.

Someone knocked on my door and I almost threw my laptop against my wall. I slid my ramen under my bed and my laptop under my blanket. I took a deep breath and got up from my bed. I loved my bedroom - a place where I could escape the stresses of the day and unwind. It was filled with soft, cozy furniture, all the same color, pale green. The windows were draped with soft, floral-patterned curtains that let in the morning sunlight. There was a fluffy rug on the floor, and my cozy bed with pillow-filled headboard and mint green bedsheets. It was the perfect place to curl up with a good series. The walls were painted a soothing shade of blue, and there were touches of green throughout the room, from the plants on the windowsill to the throw pillows on the couch, creating a serene and welcoming space. It was the perfect place for me to curl up and enjoy my nap, or to unwind after a long day. I slide into a robe and walk to the door, "Coming.", I start to come closer to the door, but get tripped by something. I was sent flying straight to the my floor. My elbows collided with the cold floor first, then the rest of my body fell afterwards. I took a deep breath and sucked in the pain. "One minute please.", I manage. I take another deep breath and glance back at what tripped me. My huge plant was standing in the middle of the room, taunting me. Probably laughing at my face in plant language.

I groan and stand up again, then, I walk over to the plant and put it closer to the wall, so my dumb self wouldn't trip on it again. Then, I walked towards the door and opened it. In the doorway stood my housekeeper looking am sad like always. Nina always looked sad. Whether she was happy, mad, or actually sad. It wasn't just as easy, reading her like everyone else, but it wasn't impossible. Right now, I could tell that she brings bad news, so I was tempted to close the door in her face. "Hi cara.", she opened her arms for me to come and hug her. I did. "What are you doing here?", I asked her, "Aren't you supposed to be on vacation right now?". Nina laughed and shook her head, "I got bored being alone.". I finally pulled away and opened the door wider gesturing for her to come in. She stepped inside and I pointed to the plant I tripped on, "Careful, don't trip on the plant.". Nina turned around to face me, "I know I'm old, cara. But I'm not that old to not see a plant right in front of my two eyes.".

It was hard not to take that to offense.

When Nina sat down at my couch she said the bad news. As predicted. "Your father called for you.".
I closed the door to my bedroom, "Do you know why?", I asked.
"He said something about news.", she replied. I let my smile falter a little before setting it up again.
"Ok then.", I open the door again, "I'll be going.". Nina stood up and walked toward me. Before I could figure what she was doing, I was pulled into another hug. If you didn't understand it yet, Nina loved hugging.
"It's gonna be okay, cara.", she whispered, "Your father would never hurt you.". I manage another smile and pull away, "Of course he wouldn't.", I forced a laugh.
"I'll clean up here for now.", she muttered, turning to the room. I turned around and started to protest, but she raised her hand to stop me, "I'll leave your laptop under your blanket and your food under your bed. Don't worry, cara. Now go. You're father will get impatient very soon. He's a very impatient man.".

I nodded and pleasantly walked away. Not gonna lie, the fact that my food and entertainment was safe lightened my mood just a little, but not completely. As I walked downstairs, I passed my brother's room, my sister's room, and as I passed my father's room, I didn't even dare glance at it. Last time I accidentally looked at the door for a moment, he thought that I was planning to steal something from the bed room and tied me up in the cold winter basement for six nights straight. I almost died of hypothermia.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now