Chapter 22

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Time was a fleeting beast. I watched the thin plastic part of the clock speed past the bold numbers for the second time this morning. It mocked me as it ticked louder and louder with each second that drifted away.

The initial beams of sunlight filtered through the worn-out gaps in the blinds. Why should I trust the taunting clock that hung on the kitchen wall to tell me it's morning, when the sun itself served as my sign?

With heavy morning steps, I trudged over to the window and carefully raised the blinds. The rays bounced off the glistening snow and it served as a reminder of Zane's icy abilities.

No matter how much I racked my brain, I could not recall a passage that stated a vampire having such powers. Pages of words flipped through my head and not one of them taught me how to handle this situation. My sacred phoenix book was useless.

Ice and fire. Now I see why he would choose that subject for our project. My head ached when I tried to figure out the impossibilities of ice cascading down Zane's arms, so it changed the subject as quickly as flipping a light switch, transitioning from dark to light in an instant.

As I reminisced about the tender sensation that had caressed my lips mere hours ago, I instinctively brushed my fingertips against them. The memories invaded my mind like a hero who bravely charged through enemy lines to claim what he believed was rightfully his.

I stared at the wall as every breath, every touch, and every sensation I felt in that tiny moment flowed through me. For once, I didn't need his touch to have felt the electricity gently shock my nerves. The brain was a powerful organ.

A car horn blast woke me from my daydreams and my eyes fluttered up to the clock. I was lost in thought and now I was also late.

I grabbed my bag and rushed out of the dwelling, only to be greeted by an open red door. I took off in a sprint like I was going to release my wings, but dove into the passenger seat instead, trying to dodge the bitter cold.

I heard Zane chuckle from the driver's seat as I shut the door behind me. I gazed over at him, and my eyes focused in on his lips. The same lips that I wanted a second taste of.

He reached over and took my hand in his, letting his thumb trace the sensitive skin on the back of my hand. Though we have been in this position many times before, I still needed the occasional pinch to wake myself from this wild dream.

I was dreaming with my eyes wide open.

"You're staring," he said.

"Oh." As if it was a mistake, I pulled my eyes away to look out the window.

"Do I have you captivated this morning?"

"No, I was just thinking," I said. I watched his teeth slowly make an appearance from behind his lips.

"About what?" he asked as he pulled into his usual parking spot at the school. I watched the curiosity rise on his face as he unbuckled his seatbelt. I had piqued his interest.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I laughed. Sometimes a girl should remain a mystery, or so Kathryn would say. But also, my embarrassment would not allow me to speak my thoughts so freely.

He was quick. Zane hovered over me, resting his hands on the seat beside my head. He searched my eyes as if looking for the answer, and his fangs lightly grazed his bottom lip as he spoke.

"I have ways to get the answer out of you." 

He took the back of his two fingers and lightly traced my cheek to the outline of my jaw. I couldn't help but to lean into the tingles brought on by his touch.

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