Chapter 8

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It was bright and early as the sun peaked through the tiny slits in the blinds that covered the window, alerting me to rise from the bed. It was not like my eyes were shut for more than a few hours without seeing that man sipping from a teacup in the dark room. At least now, I was used to being an insomniac.

I concealed what I could of the heavy darkness under my eyes and started packing a light bag of the necessities I would need for the day. It was nothing more than my work clothes to change into later and my purse to purchase whatever Halloween outfit I may find.

This was my first out-of-town trip, and I was bound to be gone all day. I glanced around at my surroundings, ensuring I did not forget anything, and exited the front door as the phone in my back pocket buzzed. Zane. I forgot to tell him.

We need to start on this project.   

He was right, but this weekend was not the right time.

Not today.

He answered quickly.

Why not?

Why do I have to tell him everything? Of course, I wanted him not to bother me while I was gone, so...

I'm heading to town with my friends to shop for the Halloween dance. You promised you wouldn't text me if I told you I was leaving town. The phone is fully charged but I have to work tonight, so if my phone dies, I'm sorry. I will text you tomorrow.

Now all I had to do was wait.


That was it? No argument? I was not going to question him. I slipped the phone back into the pocket of my jeans and headed to the coffee shop.

My body seemed to warm itself easier, even when the cool breeze tried to pierce me. Everything seemed a little easier today. I only hoped it would stay that way.

The familiar bell chimed as I walked into Up All Night Coffee. The smell of warm coffee beans drifted into my nostrils, awakening my senses. With my eyes wide open, I searched the small cafe and saw my friends sitting at a couple of tables that had been pushed together.  

Kathryn waved me over.

"Here," she said, handing me a steaming cup of coffee. I took one sip and let the hot hazelnut liquid set fire to my body. It was just what I needed on a cold day. The right amount of almond creamer and a spoonful of sugar to mask the bitterness of the coffee beans. Kathryn knew my order.

"You know how I take my coffee?" 

"I've worked with you for almost six months. Just because we didn't speak didn't mean I wasn't observant." 

I smiled at her as I took another warm sip. Another reason why I should have never been a hermit. I had already missed out on almost two years of these amazing friendships.

"Whose car are we taking?" Travis asked, "My truck won't fit everybody."

"We can take Elfred's jeep," Ella said. "It will probably be the most comfortable for a two-hour trip."

"Fine by me," Elfred said.

"Five bucks says we wouldn't fit in Travis's truck because of all the fast-food trash," Ella said, poking fun at Travis. Travis rolled his eyes at her comment but continued to chug his drink.

"I don't know," said Kathryn. "Last time I was in it, it was pretty clean."

"Wanna bet?" asked Ella with her hand already extended. Her eyes were eager to take on any challenge.

"Bet," Kathryn said, shaking Ella's hand. I guess most immortals could not refuse a risky gamble.

We finished our drinks, tossing them into the trash on the way to the parking lot toward Elfred's jeep. 

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