Chapter 7

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Was it the autumn air that seemed crisper this time of year, or was it the chill from the fridged vampire that kept hovering around me? Either way, the world seemed colder the further into October I went. I snuggled deeper into the soft material of my puffy purple jacket as the cool breeze tried to stab me with its penetrating blasts. 

The leaves from the trees were changing and falling from their homes, only to be crushed by the passing of humanity's unaware feet. The once colorful flowers were now stiffer and turning a lifeless grey, slowly making their journey to death. Both of them would return with the warmer air that spring brings. As happy as I was, I still could not help but think of the similarities. 

Though one thing was undeniably clear, there was always beauty to be found, even when the cold fall brought signs of death around me. Confetti of oranges, reds, and browns cascaded upon me as I walked under an enormous tree, and I knew that the universe was celebrating my gaining of friends.  

Skeletons and ghosts hung in the yards of the shelters of others I passed by on the walk to school. It was getting closer to Halloween. That was the one time of year most of us could be in our proper form. I would not be able to fly as a bird covered in fire as humans find those things impossible, even on Halloween. But most other immortals could parade around in their original form for one night, and the mortals would never know.

Werewolves could take a half form, making them hairier and having features of a wolf but keeping their sanity. Fairies would let their elf ears hang out and let their tattoos show. Sirens would pop out their gills and scales, cascading up and down on their body. Each of these things could be explained by a fantastic makeup artist. But how could I explain if I showed up on fire for hours without a burn mark on me? 

I walked into Eries and Ivy High School for another fun-filled educational day when an arm linked with mine. 

"Ember, you're finally here," Ella said. 

I looked over at the dainty fairy. She had a lollipop in her mouth, and her long, snowy hair avalanched down her back. This was going to take some time to get used to. 

"I walked," I said. "It takes me a little longer."

"Where do you live? The middle of nowhere."


Ella gazed over at me as I shoved my books into my locker. This was the first time I made it to the locker without being squished. For once, I did not have to fight the crowds when I had Ella beside me. 

I took my usual seat at the lab table, and Lucy was already across from me. The difference was Elfred was sitting beside her, and Kathryn was waiting for me, sitting in Zane's seat. The only one who didn't join us was Travis, who seemed to be hanging with the other werewolves in the class. 

"Did you get a costume yet?" Kathryn asked me as soon as I sat my stuff down.


"Yeah, for the Halloween dance." 

The dreaded social events of the hermit high school senior. I usually did not entertain the thought of going to such occasions. 

"I wasn't sure if I was going," I spoke.

"You have to go!" Ella replied. She was slightly over-excited as her voice hit high-pitched levels that only fairies could reach. Elfred gave her a warning look as Lucy shook her head from the ear-splicing squeal. 

"You have to go where?" Zane's voice hummed in my ears as he slammed his books before Kathryn. Antonio did the same to Elfred, showing his protruding fangs to the fairy. They were taking claim on what they thought was theirs. My friends stood facing the vamps with lowered glares, not saying a word as they passed by the vamps coldness, taking their assigned seats across the room.

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