Chapter 19

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As his words reverberated in my ears, they seemed to ignite the fire deep within me. It was as if his voice was a catalyst, setting off a chain reaction of emotions that spread like wildfire. Every cell in my body seemed to awaken, attuned to the sound he created.

He slowly backed away from my ear, only to stare at me with those eyes that penetrated every fiber of my existence.

I released myself from his grip and from the enchantment spell he captivated me with. Stuttering out the words that stuck to the roof of my mouth, I asked him.

"D...d... do you have a plan on where we are going?"

"Of course I do," he said, slipping the warm jacket over the top of my shoulders. "What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't have a plan?"

He carefully slipped gloves onto my warm hands with his comforting touch, before intertwining his fingers with mine and guiding me outside. I hated wearing gloves when I was around him. The thin cotton layer between our skin was enough to stop the electrifying sensations that I constantly yearned for.

The trees blurred by as he sped down the one lane road through the woods. Mixtures of greens, browns, and blues swirled together, looking like the forest melted into realistic spin art.

If the world collapsed around us, the chaos would pale compared to the comfort of being together.

The moment Zane veered left, the solid paved road vanished, replaced by a jolting, uneven dirt path, casting a shadow over my state of mind. I knew where we were going, and I was quick to face him.

"The feeding grounds?"

Zane didn't answer. His plan was to take me to the vampires feeding grounds? I let out an audible sigh and sunk lower into the seat. I wanted my actions to communicate my disapproval of his choice subtly. From the corner of my eye, I caught the smirk adorning his handsome face. He was fully aware of the effect he had on me, and at that moment, I found myself unconcerned about our destination.

He brought his car to a stop in a large dirt circle and got out. Right as I was about to do the same, Zane abruptly materialized next to me, smoothly opening the car door to extend his large hand inside.

"Come on, firebird." 

Regardless, I took hold of his hand and stepped onto the earthy ground. I felt the soles of my boots slowly sink as my weight shifted when I stood up.

"Of all the places you could have taken me... I can't believe it was here," I mumbled as I gazed around at the surroundings. 

The trees were ominously hanging over our heads, except for the small opening that would let the moon shine through. The same opening Zane spotted me flying over, which seemed like a lifetime ago.

I felt his arms snake around my waist as he snuck up behind me. He rested his chin in the crook of my neck. He seamlessly fit into that spot, as if it had been patiently waiting for him, perfectly tailored to his presence.

"Is this not to your liking, Ember?" he asked. "Is it not romantic enough for you?"

"I mean, we are alone, but what if the other vampires show up?" I asked. "This is your territory."

"I promise, they won't." Zane unwrapped himself from me just to grab my hand.

"Follow me," he continued. 

I didn't miss the sly smile on his face as he led me down a thin, mossy path. The tall, bushy trees covered the dark night sky. Snow laid across each leaf, lighting it up as it glistened in the moonlight. I saw the clearing just ahead as Zane said the next few words.

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