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"What once was, will never be again. What will be? That's undetermined," I muttered, and like a match, the old me burst into flames.

No matter how much the calming sun emitted its radiation onto me, my body laid frozen, subdued by my thoughts. But time would not allow me to lay here forever.

I slowly opened my eyes and stood up from the concealment of the overgrown field. I witnessed the red and blue lights finally arrive at the fiery blaze that was once a home. The emotions that would devour a human as they watched their home fall to a pile of ashes were nonexistent for me. My eyes fixated upon the fire as it consumed every old memory, erasing every minute detail from this life.

The smell of smoke wafted its way closer now, and that blue sky holding the ball of fire was turning this fantastic shade of dark gray. It was time for me to go.

As the smile spread across my ashen face, I released my wings and rose from the ashes beginning my new life... again.

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