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The pattering of raindrops beneath my shoes, echoed deeply in my ears. Millions of thoughts ran across my mind as to why Jeonghan must've sent me that message.

"Want me to teleport you there?" I had immediately declined Death's proposal as I didn't- I really don't know the answer but I did disagree to his plan.

With the thunder bouncing across the sky, I bolted towards the school. Apparently where Jeonghan was stuck, or so he said so when he sent me his live location. I prayed that everything was fine as my legs were getting pumped due to the immense running.

"HANNIE OPPA?!" The studio was pitch dark. The only sound that resounded was my pants and heavy breathing. I shrieked in horror as my hands went up to clutch my chest in fear as loud screams reached my ears.

"Happy Belated Birthday!!" And there they stood. All 13 of them. Some with party hats on, while some bouncing to the music in the background. In the midst of all the chaos unfolding, resided Soonyoung, his hands full with holding a cake.

All the background seemed to blur as we made eye contact, a gentle smile tugging on his face. A frail force that pushed me, a hand creeping up my shoulders. "Happy Birthday!" Everything came shattering down. Jun being the one looking down at me.

All the fleeting and confusing feelings which I was experiencing, returned like the birds that return to their nest once the sun dips down to its own home. Setting all of them aside;confusion, worries, everything that weighed me down, I strided to one of the male's across the room.

"Oww'" Jeonghan winced in pain as my fingers twisted his ears. "SOS? HUH?" Whining, the boy held me in his embrace. "I got so scared that I ran over here"

With multiple apologies and remorseful glances, I finally let Jeonghan go. "Wait?" All their gazes were now fixed on me, "How did y'know it was my birthday days ago?"

With a little pressing on, they finally revealed that the boy's had infiltrated the school records for my information. "That's straight up invading my private information"

Huffing, I dropped myself down on the couch, tired of all the running. "You didn't even let us know" Seokmin was the one whining, I didn't even need to look up because I knew he was standing there with his iconic puppy eyes.

"We were practically there with you that day" Jihoon couldn't hide the regret in his words, "Playing Mafia Game" It had hit a nerve for Mingyu, cause bro had lost yet again.

"I don't particularly like celebrating my birthday" Sheepishly rubbing my neck, I craned my head to all of them gazing at me. "From now on" Hansol tugged on my wrist, Seungcheol helping the younger one to support my weight up.

"You'll love them!" Confettis bursted open from both of my sides, colorful papers spreading across the room. Sounds of cheers and glees, reverberating the studio.

With a single beat and tune, all of them started singing the traditional Birthday song. "Make a wish!" Enclosing my hands together and closing my eyes, I hieved a deep sigh ; contentment and joy washing over me.

I didn't know when did a cake cutting ceremony had turned into splashing each other's faces with whipped cream. "You're the only one left, Wonwoo-yah!"

He took a few steps back as I inched few more towards him. Prepared for his downfall and wrath, Wonwoo removed his glasses, afraid of damaging them. "HERE WE GO~"

Though it was late, this big happiness that I was blessed with in disguise of a belated birthday celebration, I was immensely grateful for it. Glancing around the people I had come to deeply care and love; I internally thanked Death for giving me this opportunity.

A new fire had ignited in me.

I needed to save Soonyoung at all costs.

Not just for him..

Not just for me..

It was for all of us..

It was for all of us

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17 DAYS TO GO | KWON SOONYOUNG Where stories live. Discover now