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The moment I stepped foot in the school premises, people started giving me weird looks. They always do but there was something different about today. Ignoring their stares and whispers like I always do, I continued on my way.

"YOU! Stop right there!" A great way to begin my day, isn't it? "What is it?" Kim Jihye just wanted to mess with my mind, didn't she? I could feel her glares, anger filled eyes as I was busy stuffing my requirements for the day.

"Don't you see all the people talking about you?" She didn't need to inform me about that. I had my own eyes and ears to notice. "I know I'm famous!" I replied to her, "What were you doing with Soonyoung, yesterday?"

I froze. How did she know? Was it this matter that everyone's been gossiping about? Before my brain could rationalize any answer, a hand creeped around my shoulders, making me jerk my head at the person. "Well if my girlfriend doesn't accompany me for social events with my parents, Who else will?"

Her mouth was left agape, her jaw almost touching the ground at Soonyoung's affirmation. I knew my expression must be mirroring her because seeing that, he leaned down and whispered in my ear. "Everyone knows. It's the only option" His lips were touching the skin of my earlobe, leaving a burning sensation to them.

A large crowd had gathered around us, shocked and stunned at the commotion taking place infront of them. "Your girlfriend? Her? Kang Hana?" Soonyoung pressed a gentle kiss on my cheek, just the way I had did last night. "Beautiful, isn't she?" I wanted to hide my face somewhere at his compliment.

"HOW CAN YOU DATE SOMEONE LIKE HER?" her high pitched voice, made me want to punch her in the face. I could see Soonyoung feeling the same, "Right! How could I be so privileged to date someone like her?" The look in his eyes, screamed 'LOVE'

Gasps went round the corridor as Soonyoung firmly yet gently pressed his lips against mine. I didn't return it. He pulled away shortly, caressing my cheeks that were red and burning. From the corner of my eyes, I could see Jihye stomping her feet, unable to stand our loving sight.

Students started rushing and running once the school bell rung. After everyone had dispersed, I glanced over at Soonyoung, "You and me need to talk" My input was stern and firm. Due to this, things were really going to get fucked up.

Passing through the day till lunchtime was hell. The whispers and the stares kept increasing as they kept talking about the hallway incident. I strided my way towards the pool area, where I had told Soonyoung to meet me.

He wasn't here yet. My irritation at that grew. I needed answers as to why did he comply to do what he did. Leaning against the wall, I kept my gaze fixated on the ground. A pair of shoes stood before mine, a soft voice speaking. "Hey"

"You're late, Soonyoung!" His face was close to mine, his eyes stuck on my gaze. I looked everywhere but his eyes. "Explain your actions, Sir!" A long and exasperated sigh escaped his lips, him finding his place besides me, leaning on the wall.

He didn't speak for a minute but I gaped when he finally did, "I didn't want anyone to hurt you" Hurt me? "You're suffering enough of torture from the people around you and they would torment you more if they knew you were my friend."

"Me being your girlfriend isn't getting me any praises, Soonyoung. It has made things even worse" He looked apologetic, regretting his choice of actions. "I didn't know it would turn out this way. I'm sorry" I couldn't be mad at him knowing he was trying to help me.

Turning towards him and grabbing his chin, I made him look up. "It's okay, Soon. You were just trying to help me and I really appreciate it" A small smile tugged at his lips but it faded when I brought my hands down.

"So? What are we gonna do about it?" Yet again a sigh as his answer. He probably didn't know. "Let's pretend that we are dating for awhile" He suggested to which I agreed, "Then let's break up after a few days"

"Until then" he put forth his hand for me to shake, "We tell no one" I completed his sentence and grabbed his hands in a firm grip. "Deal"

I darted my head towards the source of rushed footsteps echoing the pool area, "Shit!" I shrugged off his hands and bolted towards the door that was slammed a second ago...by Jun.

"JUN! WAIT UP!" I called out to him but he didn't stop. Finally catching upto him, I grabbed his wrist. "What did you witness?" Hurt was flashing through his face, "I thought we were friends, good enough to share things about our life" Placing his hands on top of mine, he freed himself from my grip.

"We aren't dating, Jun" I could see his chest rising up and down, fury filled in his mind. "The whole school knows, Hana, including me" He refused to hear any of my words, adamant on his side.

"We are just pretending"

"We are just pretending"

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