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The calendar placed infront of me, daunted me to the core. 2 days were already gone and only 15 days remained. I grabbed my hair in my hands, frustrated and on the verge of tears. I couldn't kindle my friendship with Soonyoung forget about being close.

The wind blowing from the open window made me remember the day Soonyoung died. That was it. The tears began to flow freely down my cheeks. My lips trembled as a sob escaped my chapped lips. It wouldn't be long before 15 more days are gone and the day Soonyoung dies revisits once again.

"I was the fucking wrong person, Death" I yelled out to no one in particular, burying my head between my knees that were propped up close to my chest. "You haven't even started properly and you're already giving up!"

The scream was caught up in my throat, as he stood there just like the first time. Dark clothes, darker atmosphere and even darker, his gaze. I threw my pillow at him which he easily dodged. "You fucking asshole-" in seconds he was on my bed, placing a finger on my lips, silencing me.

"You missed me so much?" I hated to admit but his low voice, rose goosebumps on my skin. He didn't look much older than me and not to mention dude was extremely handsome.

"You left me hanging with no sorts of leads and hints. Damn, I'm not even friends with Soonyoung! How am I even supposed to save him? I can't!" The pad of his thumb, brushed away the tears that had cascaded down my cheeks. "I wouldn't have given you the job if I knew you can't handle it"

"You aren't the way people describe you to be" I passed him on a smile, "Oh people love to make me the bad character" his signature smirk was back on his face as he paced around my room. His hands rummaged through my stuff and I scrambled across the floor when his hand touched my diary, "Hands off that, Death" I slapped his hands away.

"Calm down, girl. I don't need a petty diary to know about your thoughts. I already know them" He spinned, sitting on my swivel chair. "So tell me about your new crush in town" I swore my cheeks were flaring red now. "He's not my-" "Moon Junhwi" the moment the name slipped out of his mouth, I could feel heat rushing upto my face, furiously now.

"Look at you acting like a middle schooler!" I wanted to childishly throw my feet in the air and giggle at his mention. So, I really do like, don't I? The realisation hit me hard.

"Well I can't surely say I like him but I do, I guess..a tiny bit" I put forth my index finger and thumb together, forming a small pinch to justify my words. "Wait but why I'm I discussing my love life with you, though? We were talking about Kwon Soonyoung"

He breath out an annoyed sigh, "It's for you to figure out" I flipped off at him, almost instantly. "What if I fail though?" the weight of my body, dipped down the bed as I plopped down on it. "You aren't supposed to give up even before trying!"

"Things will eventually start to fall into place, if you believe" I removed the pillow that I had buried my face to realise he was gone. That asshole, comes and goes into thin air. But he was right. I still had 15 days at hand. I could still try and save him. I won't give up!

My thoughts were interrupted as the door bell rang. It wasn't mom for sure cause she knew the passcode. Who else would be here now? Dragging my feet, I stumbled to open the door.

With nervous tapping feet, jittery body and tensed shoulders stood Soonyoung at my doorstep. Without me knowing, a "Huh?" had slipped from me. He jerked his head up from the ground, "Oh Hey?" He wiped his hands on his black t-shirt...he truly must be nervous.

"You wanna c-come in?" I was trying to be polite, extremely IF I SAY SO. "Yeah..sure!" he stammered, "So?" I stood a few inches away from him as he sat himself down on the couch. His hair was let down, wet and sprinkly.

"I wanted to apologise for, you know how my friends treated you today" the tension in my shoulders relaxed as I made my way towards the kitchen. "Juice or Coffee?" He was hot on my tail, as he followed me to the kitchen.

"Juice is fine" I was leaning against the counter top, probably looking like a fucking potato in my night suit, just an oversized tshirt and shorts. "What's with you boys apologizing for someone else's mistakes?" His hand brushed against mine as I handed him his glass of juice.

"Anyways" I didn't want him to fess over something so trivial while he was suffering from much more, "It's not your fault and it's not the first time, so" It felt like Deja Vu all over again just with a different person.

"Thanks, I guess" He nodded his head before looking me straight in the eyes. "I need your help" his next sentence caught up the air passing through my lungs.

"I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend!"

brooooooooooooooooo😭😭this Soon was truly a cultural reset

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this Soon was truly a cultural reset

17 DAYS TO GO | KWON SOONYOUNG Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat