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I shouldn't have agreed to it..

I regret it so much..

When Soonyoung had informed me that the boys were coming over, I thought it was just who were close to me. I didn't know all of SVT, as in all 13 of them would crash my house. "I'm sorry we crashed without informing" Jisoo was kind enough to apologise and I accepted it willingly.

As time went by, I realised it wasn't that bad. Except the trash I would need to clean after they leave and the house that would probably need a vacuum run through. It was extremely good when I had company for the first time on my birthday.

"Let's play something" We all were sat in a big circle, with me between Soonyoung and Mingyu. "Truth or dare?" Seungkwan's suggestion was immediately ignored by the guys, saying "It's too childish"

"Hide and seek?" Chan looked miserable as Seokmin smacked his head, yelling at how "Boring and childish it is" I took his suggestion into consideration knowing the huge layout of my house. With being two storeys and several rooms and stuffs, it was big, enough for 14 people to play the suggested game.

"Hana, you suggest something since it's the first time we've gathered with you" Myungho was kind enough to point me out otherwise I only felt invisible among so many of them. "Mafia Game?!" I felt so small feeling all the eyes on me.

"Oh let's play that!" "It will be fun" Soonyoung nudged me when my recommendation gained agreement of joy from everyone. "I'll be the host" I volunteered, rushing to grab a spatula because I didn't have a pointing stick.

"The night has come! I'll select the MAFIA members now" Pointing towards the selected members, I moved forward to the DOCTOR, "Done choosing the doctor" The boys were squealing in excitement, thrilled to play the game.

"LASTLY, THE POLICE" Being the host was going to be way more fun than participating in the actual game. "I personally think it's Mingyu" Soonyoung didn't let me start the game as he bombarded his suspicions on Mingyu.

"You always do this" Mingyu tried refuting, pleading his innocence. "While saying so, I examined everyone's expression and Seungkwan felt a bit odd" There were several grunts of complains flying over the room at his words, "He follows the same pattern" Seokmin called Soonyoung out.

"Okay so now let's vote for the person you think is the mafia, No reason required" I counted to 3 as they all pointed out to the people they were suspicious at. "It's a shame but an innocent citizen Myungho has died"

Continuing the round for about 2 more rounds, it had resulted in Seungkwan and Chan's death, who were citizens. "Who is the Mafia?" These dumbheads still couldn't figure it out who the real mafia were.

"You'll suck at this" I shook my head in disapproval, "Try playing it then, will ya?" I knew from the very start that Seungkwan was one sassy bitch but it only made me tease him even more.

"I'll give you'll a last chance though the citizens have lost. Those who guess the Mafia members correctly would be getting the drumstick of the chicken that we will be ordering" I looked at Soonyoung for encouragement as he nodded his head, smiling.

"This the real deal though" the competitive side was arousing amongst them, eager to grab an extra, tastier piece of chicken. Eventually no one was able to guess the right answer but being close enough, Chan had won the extra chicken.

"Jeonghan hyung, Jihoon Hyung and Mingyu hyung" In reality, Jihoon wasn't the only one who wasn't a Mafia, "It's Jisoo" Their mouths were agape at Jisoo's improvised acting.

"Let's eat guys" It felt surreal to be surrounded by so many people and especially those who were willing enough to spend time with me. Their laughter and giggles made me smile more. Was I finally able to adjust in the world? To make some friends?

"We should all hangout more" Biting on my chicken, I glanced at Jeonghan who had spoken. "Including you, Hana" my heart swelled with joy. I was left unspoken due to the chaos with the last, remaining and extra piece of chicken.

"Welcome to the gang, Kang Hana" Seungcheol raised his Cola, soon everyone quieting down and joining in with cheers. "Thanks guys" I raised by own can of Cola.

"We can order more if you'll want" more chaos unwinds, uproar of cheers and merriment.

To be honest,

This might've been the best birthday that I had spent...

This might've been the best birthday that I had spent

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