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Standing infront of the gravestones, slapped me with a sense of reality. His sister. I should be grateful that I'm living right now. The age we are right now might be glorious to us but it was her end times.

I couldn't help the water pooling in my eyes. If he had informed me about where we were going, I could have brought her some fresh flowers. "I should've brought her some flowers" I wiped away the tears that flew down my cheeks.

"It's alright since" He pulled out a single daisy from his pocket, placing it on the gravestone. "Was it her favourite?" smiling out loud, he nodded. "Die hard fans of Daisies!" Placing himself down on the grass, he patted the space besides him.

Quickly sitting down, I looked at the picture that decorated the memorial. She looked beautiful. "She's beautiful" Grazing his fingers over the golden writing, he said "She is"

I didn't know whether I could ask him about her but I never was designated to do so. Because he spoke without even me asking, "I was so happy that day. Running home with a medal I had earned at my school. It didn't even occur to me, you know. Especially, not seeing your sister hanging dead"

Why was he so blunt about such a sensitive topic? "I love her dearly, you know" He said he 'loves' her not 'loved', I felt kinda happy for that. "I know!" I placed my hand over his, giving it a tight squeeze.

"She always told me that the only reason that she kept living was because of me. Now that I realise, it's the same for me. I'm finding it difficult to move on,you know!" He was vulnerable. I could feel it in his voice, feel it in his eyes.

"She would surely want you to live on" He jerked his head towards my direction when I said that, "The world's cruel, no doubt but it's worth living sometimes" When I spoke the next, he gazed at me differently, baffled.

"From the time I've spent with you these past few days, I realise that you're more and more like her" I could feel myself bubbling with his input. I felt proud. A compliment in it's own way.

"What was she like?" Laying his head on my lap, I threades my fingers through his hair. "Smiling even when in pain. Caring for the people around her. Kind to even who wish bad for her. Just like you" a single tear dropped down on his face, except it was mine.

With the pad of his thumb, he caressed my cheek. "You don't need the world to tell you anything about your own self. They don't know you" And the waterfall had opened. I was never the person to cry infront of others, it made me feel weak but every time I was around Soonyoung, I was washed over by a sense of comfort and security.

His company telling me that it was alright to let my guard down, to let my walls break. "You're hurting, aren't you?" The question made him open his eyes instantly. I hoped he would refute saying he was alright but I didn't get any. I was relieved that atleast he wasn't lying to me.

"Well things happen but life goes on" Pressing my lips gently to his forehead, I sighed a deep breath. "You need to promise me that whenever you find it hard to breathe, hard to push through. You'll call me and I'll run right to you"

Pushing my head closer to his face, he connected our foreheads. His breath fanned my face, comforting me. "I will, Hana. I will. I've nowhere to go" It discerned a peaceful feeling. I could surely be able to save him at this point.

"There's another thing I forgot to tell you" What was this one again? This boy made me more nervous with his forgetful nature. I probably need to polish his memories too.

"Next weekend" He paused and I wanted to smack him then, "My parents invited you to dinner" What the fuck?



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