Chapter 13 (Mother's Day special.)

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It brought me a smile the day he was born... He brought joyfulness not only to me but this whole nation. I named him after the former heavenly guardian of the sun. Touya. As he filled my life with color again...

"Ugh..." Iris groaned as she woke up from a deep slumber. "Your majesty are you alright?" Keith asked... "Grab me some water kei." Iris said while she still grips on her hair. "Are you sure you're alright?" Keith asked concernly. "I want to be alone." Iris said. "Yes."

Keith's pov;

I know you're trying to hide it but I can see  your anguish and regrets after his death... Why did you do this to yourself Iris..?

You pushed him away when he needed you the most. You were cruel and unforgivable to a child who only ever wanted to be endeared.... It may not seem like it ... Though he did commit regiside. People in the kingdom still adored him as for his patience and kindness. we all grieve for his death. Stop blaming yourself Iris....

Iris'es pov:

I'm here in his room holding back tears while looking every corner peacefully trying to remember every memory of his. "How could I be so blind... I can't shake this guilt." I'm sorry. I was scared. But it's no excuse for how I've treated you. Now you're gone I'll never have the chance to make it right.

Your... Wardrobe...? I stood up and make my way towards it and opened it slowly. Nothing special but something did caught my attention. It was a jar for...pills? Medicine...? I couldn't configure what it is as it was nameless. It doesn't look like a simple fever's medicine... What is this for?

This isn't supposed to be much of a concern but... I think I should get this figured by a doctor...

"Kei! Lend me a dress." I said. "Madame? You're going outside!?" Kei said as her eyes widened. "Why? Is it wrong to?" I asked curiously. "No it's just that you don't leave neither the three palace quite often..." Kei said still wearing the surprise look. "I'm just going to get this medicine checked up... I found this on his wardrobe." I said. "Sure I'll grab a dress!" Kei said excitedly.


"So any figures?" I asked the doctor... "Got the results." The doctor said as he took the paper and read it. "Y-your majesty..." He said horrified. "What...? You're making this complicated."  I arrogantly said. "You said you found this to the late 2nd prince's wardrobe?" The doctor asked. "Yes?" I said.

"Ma'am this is A medicine for Anlorexia. Not just any medicine but an actual strong one..." The doctor said. I was confused as I wasn't famillar on any illness at all. "What's This you Call Anlorexia?" I asked.

"It's a blood cancer ma'am. When it attacks in normally torture the person's lungs for them to hardly breath. And When this disease is on the Border. The person will be suffocated and will have lack of blood on every body part which leads to the victims death." The doctor explained. It struck me.

"But why was this... On his bedroom?" I said as I started to tremble. "I know someone who can help. Shalene!" The doctor screamed out for someone. "Yes sire?" A young girl entered the room. "Did someone bought you this? Specifically the second prince?" The doctor showed her the medicine.

"Oh yes... The second prince did buy that. But that was a long time ago... He said to make it strong as possible I gave him about 5 jars. But he didn't told be whose it for." Shalene said. It couldn't possibly be for him right...? He looked healthy... It's impossibl-...

Huh what is this...?


To be continued....

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