Chapter 11

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I improved my speaking at a short time. I began reading books at an advanced age compared to other children. And was labelled an angel with intelligence.

"Your majesty, look at him. At first we were so worried about him speaking so late. Who knew he carries this kind of intelligence" Countless praised were showered over my little body.

... If you're confused about what happened to those two maids. They were supposed to be sentenced to death due to commiting regiside. But I didn't want a person to suffer as I did in the past so I begged my father to just throw them out if the kingdom. Being executed is no joke.

"Goodmorning Ara!" I pleasingly said. "Good morning my little adorable brother!" I chuckled on her words. She sounded so silly. And yet so heart warming.

I fondled her hair "You really should avoid getting your hair hung on a tree too much." "How did you know!?" I just looked at her and giggled.

" "How did you know!?" I just looked at her and giggled

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"Happy birthday My little adorable brother"
"Ara it's too early." "Who cares? It's your 14th birthday Dyrus!"

Yes my 14th birthday.

"Seems like the whole kingdom is getting ready" The empress said giggling. "Do you think... No tragic happenings this year?" Everytime of the year. It's always that one tormenting events. When I was 1... that poison thing happened. I was 4 when I fell down the stairs and bumped my head rock hard to the ground. I was 7 when some sort of creature crawled in my room and almost end me. "It's like someone's after my life." I said gripping at the chair handle

"You'll be fine. Trust me." "Mom..." I squeezed her in my arms. "Go on. Everyone's waiting for you." She said taking my hand. We entered the hall, together.

As expected countless guess we're in the celebration of my debutante including royals from other kingdoms. What I was worried for is, what if someone I know was here... Someone... In the past.

"Prince Dyrus!," I heard an unfamiliar voice. "Would you come with me for a second. I want to introduce you to someone." Young Lady Ayesha Sieza. As far as I know... She is the young duchess of Alphea. "It would be a pleasure young lady," I said joyfully.

We walked towards one of the table. There I saw a tall looking boy. "Your majesty. This is my younger brother Amiel. You both are in the same age so I thought you two might get along!"

S-same age!? This boy almost seemed like an adult! And our height difference is just. Ugh I can't say it!

"This is the prince they've been cherishing?" He bluntly said. "Excuse me?" I responded. "Amiel!" The lady Ayesha groaned. "Well I'm going to be honest. You look nothing but a spoiled little prince who only knows how to spend graciously." He disrespectfully said. "Lady Ayesha... Would you leave me and your... brother. to talk privately." I asked with a pissed tone.

"Ha! Why are you scared to show your real color to other people? The sweet intelligent angelic prince of Shiori is actually a brat" He continuously insulted me "what makes you think that?" I asked "what?" Is all that he could say "I mean. You probably have some sort of source to have you say all of those. Who or what is it?" I watched him be blank and speechless.

"Tch tell my sister I left first. This party is so burdensome anyway" He said arrogantly before leaving. But right after he left I noticed something at the table. A pendant? I believe this belongs to that brat. It looks expensive... I could just hand it to his sister but... Why not have some fun?

Dyrus followed him and make his way to the gate.

Oh there he is! I guess he hasn't gotten much far yet. I'll follow him a bit more. He isn't riding a carriage? Where is he off to?


I saw him entering an dark alley.

I'm still in Shiori. How come I didn't know this place? I sneakily entered too ofcourse. I thought it would be bad but, I was more shock on what I saw... He just went to visit kíds that seems homeless... I have to admit that he is a brat but this is heartwarming after all...

"How heart melting." I said before giggling. "What the hell are you doing here!?". He shockly turned to my direction "Shush! Stop your mouth there are kids here!" I whispered.

"I never knew there are kids like these in my kingdom." Even though I am far different from them at the past... I see my self on them... Having no parents or person to ask for help.

"Do you guys often stay here..?" I asked to the kids... I felt like me heart was crushed when they nodded... They only had woods to light up a fire... No blankets used in a cold night...

"Would you like to come with us in town for a festival?" I asked softly. "what but it's late-" I turned at him dead in the eyes. "Fine." He finally agreed.

We bought them clothes... Foods, and everything they had their hand layed on. I'm really thankful that I brought money or else I'll be humiliated Infront of kids. Also. Thank god nobody knows who I am. I mean this is a town. Not many of people here knows me.

However... The Young Duke Amiel stayed silent this whole time. The festival ended and we dropped the kids off and promised that we'll come back. All night we didn't have a proper conversation.

"Why did you follow me?" He said without looking at me. "Oh right!" I took out his pendant and handed it to him "here"

"This is... My pendant. Thank you..." He said flushed. "It looks like it's expensive so I followed you and returned it."

"It's not about the price... It's about it's value to me... My mother gave this to me before she died." Oh... His mother died huh? I suddenly felt bad.

"And also... Thank you for giving those kids a great time Tonight..." He said. "It's not my first time doing that. No need to thank me. I loved how my birthday turned out today." I smiled at him.

"We... Really should go to the palace now..." He said while pointing at a clock... I-ITS ALMOST MIDNIGHT! I took his hand and ran as fast as I could... Ara would probably had a heart attack by now!

To be continued....

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