Chapter 27

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Rey stood up and walked inside Noor's room without saying anything, Haseena followed him into the room. Aarya saw Karishma was looking tensed so she decided to talk to her. She took Karishma to the kitchen. It left Noor, Carol and Rohit in the living room. Rohit took Aansh from Aarya and started playing with him, as he wanted to give the family some personal space to talk.

Rey was sitting on the chair when Haseena sits beside him, Rey looked at her, "What is all this Haseena, I'm not getting anything?"

"Rey the truth is that, Karishma and I love each other and we want to continue our relationship" Haseena told him.

"But how everything happened suddenly. Last time when I was here, there is nothing like this, then how? Has Karishma got any objection in her visa? And also I never saw you guys talked nicely to each other" Rey asked cluelessly as the only information he knows till now is, that Noor Malik bring back Karishma to home to take care of Haseena, as she she can't handle everything of her own.

"Rey, there is nothing like this. We love each other. I'm sorry but I fell for Karishma way before anyone knows, I never know she loved me back, one day she expressed her love for me, and I was overwhelmed with it. I discussed it with Ammi and Ammi accepted everything. In Fact, she is the reason we are together now" Haseena tried to made Rey understand.

On the other side, Aarya was looking at Karishma, who was continuously looking outside the kitchen trying to get a glance of either Rey or Haseena, "Don't worry, I know Rey will have no problem in it, in fact if he had any, there is no problem in that, it's your life Karishma, for how long you will keep looking at others for validation of your happiness. If you and Haseena are happy together, no one else opinion matters."

"But bhabhi, Bhai's opinion's matters to me, I want Bhai to be with me in this. He brings me from India, despite of Carol's auntie great objection, he admitted me in one of the expensive universities, and I meet Haseena only because of him, so I can't go against my brother, Bhai opinion matters a lot, not only in this, in everything" Karishma answered.

"Okay, come with me, we will see what he is talking to Haseena" Aarya pulled Karishma with her.

As they pass by Noor and Carol to go to Noor's room, Carol passed a disgusting look, and finally decides to spit out the venom she has been holding for so long.

"I don't know how this girl succeed every time in her plan. First made my son her dummy, then Haseena and now you."

Noor looked at Carol strangely, she knows that Carol don't like Karishma living in her home or Rey's paying Karishma's fee, but she don't know that Carol hates Karishma this much, so she was stunned at this behaviour.

"Listen to me carefully, Noor. Don't fell for this trap. Think about yourself and your daughter. Haseena is emotional but you are logical, what is the future of this relationship? You built this home and business, only to be taken by random girl one day" Carol looked at Noor's faced that is turning more red with each passing second, "Haseena is very much capable, but put some sanity in her and find a suitable man for her and get her married, enjoy your retirement with your grandchild, for Karishma ask her to marry this boy" Carol pointed towards Rohit, who is playing with Aansh far away from anyone, "Karishma will marry him, if you say. Also he is rich so Karishma will have no problem. I know.." but before Carol further Noor signalled her by hand to stop.

"You are sitting in my home, and speaking against my daughter. Karishma is my daughter, same like Haseena is my daughter, and I will not listen a single word against her. And what type of a person you are Carol, what is your problem with that innocent girl. From now on, if you say something against her, I'm going to tell it to Reyansh. And then you will see the consequences. So take it as my last warning, one more word against Karishma and you are done and dusted" Noor threatened Carol, to which Carol sat quietly, because if Noor told Rey about her thoughts regarding Karishma then she will fell in a big problem, moreover Karishma is now not dependent on Rey, so somewhat it is a positive thing for Carol to look for.

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