Chapter 13

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Haseena who has reached the gym and just changed into trainers, received a call from store landline.

"Why Ammi is calling me from landline" thinking this, Haseena picked up the call, "Yes Ammi"

"Ma'am, come back as soon as possible" the person on the other end of call told Haseena, while panicking.

"What happened? Is Ammi ok?"Haseena answered back with her body completely tensed up, and she grabbed her wallet and keys immediately, and started to run towards the parking area.

"Noor Ma'am fainted and is unresponsive, we have call ambulance, and they are on the way. Please come soon" the staff told Haseena

Haseena cut the call and drove away instantly, while her eyes and her heart are supporting her mind to keep calm. She can't afford to lose her mother. While on the way, the staff again called her and told that the ambulance has taken Noor to the hospital, so Haseena should go there straight.

Karishma reached store and saw everyone was on the verge of crying, as Noor treats all her employees like her children, "What happened, why are you guys like this, and where is auntie?" Karishma asked them.

"Ma'am fainted and become irresponsive, so she was taken to hospital" The staff told Karishma.

"What? How it's happened?" Karishma asked impatiently, as she wants to know everything.

"Ma'am was feeling slight headache from the morning. Haseena Ma'am even asked her to go home, but Ma'am said she is okay and it's normal, so Haseena Ma'am left for gym" The Staff answered

"I'm leaving for hospital. If I don't came back on time, please anyone of you can close the accounts today" Karishma instructed staff, and hurried towards the hospital. "I hope Noor auntie will be alright. Please God, Grant her health"

Meanwhile Haseena reached hospital, before the ambulance with Noor Malik arrives. Noor was taken to emergency, and Haseena was just standing at the hallway, looking at door with no emotions and no movements. Karishma also reached there, and was running towards emergency, when she saw Haseena standing by taking the support of the wall.

"Why do you leave Noor auntie alone, when she told you that she was not okay. You left her alone. Don't you have any sense of responsibility" Karishma shouted at Haseena.

Karishma caught Haseena's eyes. They were deep and empty, void of any sense. Then Karishma realised that she shouldn't have shouted on Haseena like this. She has always been this bossy with Haseena, and Haseena allows her. She never stops Karishma the way, she always talk with Haseena in authoritative tone. Haseena has always been calm with her, and she is even calm now. But this is the calm, Karishma will never wants to see in Haseena. She is not liking this Haseena with no emotions, pale face and empty eyes. Haseena is lost in thoughts about her mother. What if something happens to her mother, then how will she survive. And Karishma understood this feeling so well. Months back she was in same spot as Haseena. She has lived this moment, and she don't want anyone else to live it. She needs to be with Haseena keeping everything aside.

"How is auntie, have doctors told anything" Karishma inquired from Haseena in calm tone.

"They are checking and conducting some tests" Haseena replied with dried throat.

Karishma takes Haseena with her to the nearby bench, and made Haseena sit there, "Don't worry. Everything will be alright. Auntie will be okay. Just pray" Karishma told Haseena, and hold her hand to emphasize on staying positive.

After 3 hours, the doctor called Haseena to her cabin to discuss about NM's health and future prospects. "Miss Malik, your mother had a stroke and needs to be operated. But the thing is, we need to carry out several tests before planning everything. There is also an age factor. The operation is kind of big risk, but it's the only solution, so we need to consult it with you. And if you are ready, we need to make certain arrangements and make a call to specialized surgeon, so tell us your decision."

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