CHAPTER 13 (Part 1)

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Talent hunt's auditions result was out and ofcourse Ruhani was a part of the final list. Even though she wasn't sure of her performance before but after her video went crazy viral on social media.She knew the university would be bashed if they left her name out. She now had five days to prepare her set for the final day of the event.

On the other hand,her social media was growing at a good pace. Her youtube gained around 6k new subscribers and her instagram followers were running at 27k now. She got many offers from different open mic's. She accepted half of them and rejected the other half. Honestly,if it was on her..she would have accepted all of them but her circumstances weren't in her favour. Her father didn't know about her passion and social media,so she had to make choices which didn't affect her days with her family. She only accepted those shows whose timings matched with her university days so she could bunk her college and go.

Arpita was on a trip to goa with her family for past a week whereas Manshi wasn't attending the college due to some illness.She wanted to confront them as soon as possible,so she decided to wait until all three of them met face to face. She used to text them daily but none of them ever brought up the conversation.

It's been two days since Ruhani told Miss Oberoi that she'll teach her some tactics.But what was she going to teach her? Was she going to tutor a person grown up with a silver spoon on how to act more crude and not classy? Ruhani's thought process was rather simple and after brainstorming for two days,she finally figured out how to approach her pretty professor with this reasoning of hers. Alina was an interim professor for a semester or two. The full time professors stayed until 5 in the evening,but for the substitute professors..they could leave after their assigned lectures were over. Mostly,Alina's lectures stretched until five only but once or twice a week,they ended pretty early. Yesterday when 'HER' Miss Oberoi..Sorry, 'just' Miss Oberoi was teaching at her classroom,she peeked into her Macbook and caught a glimpse of her schedule. Today Alina was free after 1 and Ruhani was on her way to knock on her cabin door.

"May I come in,Ma'am?"

Alina looked up from some files spreaded across her table. "Yes,pl–"

She stopped midway her words.Her eyes lingered on Ruhani with a blank expression on her face. Then those eyes quickly glanced Ruhani from head to toe and she went back to resume her work.

WAIT? Did Miss Oberoi just checked her out?WHAT WAS SHE WEARING..UGHHHH..She couldn't grasp hold of things around her. Her stomach was doing summersaults and those almond eyes who were responsible for everything weren't even looking at her anymore.

"How long do you plan on standing there?" Alina asked,still not looking up from her files.

"You didn't asked me to come in yet?" Ruhani managed to utter those words,still not able to get over from previous nervousness.

"You are going to barge anyways,even if I say not to"

"Not at all Miss..I'm a diligent student,I always respect my teacher's d—"

"Then,Don't come in"

"Thanks for letting me in" Ruhani entered into the cabin and took a seat in front of Alina.

Alina still didn't looked up from her files. She didn't sighed today. She didn't even arched her eyebrow. Was she unwell?

"Hey Miss,Are you not well?" Ruhani asked with a concerning tone.

"I'm perfectly healthy.."

"I don't think so–"

"Just say,whatever you are here for" Alina quoted her words with a harsher tone this time.


"What is it?" Alina finally looked up from her files

"Let's go out"


"You are free now,right?"Ruhani looked at her. "Let's go out together"

"Have you gone nuts?Do you want me to slap you?" Alina's eyes were furious

"Calm down Ma'am..Have you forgotten,I told you that I'll teach you the tactics..Tactics to make you settle in more"

"Oh yeah..I rememeber..but I never said–"

"I'll be pretty as you are,I can't avert people's eyes from you..No matter what you do even if it's merely breathing..Anyone or everyone will look at you..and that has nothing to do with you being rich or poor" Ruhani sighed. "Blame you parents for passing on their best genetics"

"What are you saying?"

"I don't know...At this point,I know nothing actually. Just for this once..please come with me..I have contemplation of some thoughts which I want to implement,to see if things turn out the way I imagine or maybe they won't..I don't k–" Ruhani was rambling when she was cut in between

"What is that cogitation and how will it help me?"

"I don't know myself..There's only one way to find out"

UNETHICAL (Teacher×student) (Indian Sapphic romance)Where stories live. Discover now