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Ruhani was walking towards Alina's cabin to submit her assignments. It was just an excuse so she could talk to her more and that way her due assignments get submitted as well. EK TEER SE DO NISHAANE. Ruhani knew Alina..sorry,Miss Oberoi was free right now as she saw her walking into her cabin just minutes ago. KYA MATLAB, Ruhani was looking after Miss Oberoi's footsteps from the morning. CREEP. She knew she was wrong but everything's fair in war and Teenage crush. Was it really just a teenage Crush? Anyways she gently knocked on her cabin's door.

"Come in-" Miss Oberoi looked up from her Macbook through the glass window on door. Her expressions changed. "I'm busy right now,Please don't come later as well"

"Please let me in Ma'am"


"I have to submit assignments" Ruhani said in a pleading tone

Miss Oberoi closed her eyes and moved her hand in air asking Ruhani to come in.

"Submit your assignments and go" She didn't looked up from her laptop

Ruhani placed her assignments on Alina's desk. She kept on standing for next 2 mins staring at her professor.

"Go already,will you?"

Ruhani kept on standing.

"Get out"

Ruhani bursted into a laughter.

Alina frowned her eyebrows into confusion. "Are you so thick skin now,that insult sounds like joke to you?"

"I was so hate me with all your might " A wide smile was still resting on Ruhani's lips

"I don't hate you or like you for that matter. I have got nothing to do with you and you have nothing to do with me. You are my student and Behave like that. This is my first and last warning to you,Ruhani Ahuja" Her voice was stern and she was not joking at all.

"Then why aren't you a bit more kinder to me?"

"I am behaving the exact right way,a teacher should be with their students"

"Nope,you aren't ma'am..You are so polite and kind with others. Like you are known for being the most polite professor out here,but when it comes to me..." Ruhani sighed. "Leave it..We need to talk"

"There's nothing to talk about"

"Miss I'm serious right now. No more jokes,promise. You know we need to talk about what happened 3 days back" Ruhani was looking straight into her eyes. They were as expressive as they always have but now wasn't the time to be intimidated.

Alina didn't answered her.

"I don't know what you think of me but just to let you know,your secret is safe with" 'You are safe with me' Ruhani didn't word her latter thoughts. "I won't indulge in your personal space,but I am also a human and curiosity takes over me as well"

"Ask" Alina says calmly

"I won't ask you what led you to do this or why did you accepted even after being a fucking millionare-"

"Correct your words"


"I mean don't abuse Duffer'

'Oh sorry..All I'm asking is,even if u did accept..why didn't you go with something safer which protected your identity more. Again,I don't know what those reasons were,but being in a campus with over 17,000 students doesn't help your case at all..."

Alina sighed

"You have to keep your identity a secret right? Both from your parents and the place you are teaching at?"

UNETHICAL (Teacher×student) (Indian Sapphic romance)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz