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"DIARRHEA..SERIOUSLY?" Ruhani punched Arpita in the gut.

"Hey,I was trying to save you back there" Arpita deadpanned

"What a save I must say"

" she has a reason to think about you..It's going to be like.. 'HOW STUPID AND SHITTY STUDENTS I HAVE TO DEAL WITH"and you'll be the face of all those stupid and shitty students. Even though she won't remember you for a good reason but at least she's a win win situation" Arpita said with a proud smirk

Ruhani sighed before continuing "Hey, jokes apart let's be honest. First of all that women is young. Maybe in her late 20s"

"More younger I guess"

"Yeah..she is young and she's hot"

"And she is RICH" Arpita interrupted

"I'll get to it later but don't interrupt me stupid" Ruhani said angrily this time

Arpita mouthed a 'SORRY' and Ruhani continued "So as I was saying, She's young and hot..and she is rich. There's a very less chance that she'll be single..and even lesser that she'll be BISEXUAL. I mean I have never seen such a femenine queer women in my life"

"But you are femme yourself" Arpita uttered

"I don't know..Ya,it's true..Many of my straight and not so straight friends have told me earlier that they weren't able to differentiate my sexuality. And if I haven't told them about my sexuality myself,they would have never guessed it. Even if I haven't been with any woman physically,I still am sure about my other side but that's not the point" Ruhani was rambling all her piled up anxiety

"Continue....I'm listening"

"All I'm saying is..Even if she wasn't my teacher..and even if she wasn't straight..She still would have never chosen me,Cause I mean look at her..and look at me. We are class apart. She must have a village of people like me chasing her. I'm just one in a crowd of hundreds"

Ruhani was speaking her heart and mind at this point and Arpita let her friend do it

"Even though this Bisexual heart of mine is so so so unnecessarily catching feelings for her when I know we can't be even anything platonic...I just want to be close to if..I don't want to be just her student. Maybe a friend..untill she's teaching us.That's until next two semesters"

"What are u suggesting?" Arpita furrowed her eyebrows

"I mean..once she stops teaching us..I'll take a step back. I'll burry my crush for her within my fragile heart..just until then I want to be close to her..maybe talk to her..spend time..Anything but I can't just be her student when I see her everytime in front of me"

"Baby..I so want to add my input but can we plss have something to eat first" Arpita said with a hand on her stomach and a constipated face

"Less goo"

Ruhani and Arpita grabbed three veg burgers and chilli potatoes and came back to take their spot which was stairs adjacent to their classes.

At this point,Ruhani was convinced that Arpita can eat veg burger as a meal three times a day for next 10 years continuously without getting bored.

"Hanji..toh now I'll have my chance for a say" Arpita said while biting front side of her burger.Ruhani moved her head in approval

"First of all..You and our MISS HOTTIE being class apart,I don't agree to that. Yup you two are complete different beings..the fact how clumsy you are and how poised she is..I can't imagine you two together. But you being any less pretty or lesser than her in any way..Naah my girl. You are talented,considerate,confident..even though you forget your surroundings around her and stutter like a five year are self assured. You are great with making friends and are passionate for your dreams. You have this heart of gold that I haven't seen in much people around me. Anyone will be lucky to have you and no one can convince me any other way" Arpita said it all with a genuine smile and Ruhani felt tears welling up in her eyes

"Is this the part where we are supposed to kiss each other?" Ruhani couldn't continue when she felt a slap on her face.

But she kissed the other girl's forehead anyways.

Ruhani continued "Hey hey..why did you lied about the assignments?"

"I saw your face when your dad called if your soul left your body then and there. I was okay until you told MISS hottie that you forgot cause you clearly didn't. You were the one who gave me a reminder. I know it's something big and I won't force you to tell me until you are comfortable and obviously I couldn't let you get out of there on your own..It would be a sin to our friendship" Arpita was gulping her second burger now

"Are you sure we aren't supposed to kiss?"

She felt another slap on different cheek now

The girls were talking and eating....when they saw a pair of eyes staring at them.

It was Miss Oberoi with a disgusted pity expression on her face as if there was no chance of saving the girls in front of her.





UNETHICAL (Teacher×student) (Indian Sapphic romance)Where stories live. Discover now