chapter 13

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A/n p.o.v.

Mrs Jeon is stand-up and go to jungkook make him stand up her eye become watery and she give sweet smile to jungkook.  Jungkook also give her smile , Mr Jeon is also stand up  Mrs Jeon hug jungkook tightly her tears rolling down on her cheeks and she smiled and say .

Mrs Jeon: ooo. My son , thank you for doing this for me .

She broke the hug and  hold jungkook face on her both of hand and pick he's forehead and looking Mr Jeon ,and say ,

Mrs Jeon:  honey you listen what he say .. he ready to marry.

Mr Jeon  also give big smail to jungkook and hug him and say .

Mrs Jeon : thank you son . Thank you so much you never make me disappointed .

Jungkook also hug him and give smile to Mrs Jeon and say .

Jk: don't thank me dad , and I'm sorry for yell on you two .

Mr Jeon broke the hug and shake his head as no .

Mrs Jeon: I m really happy my son .

Jungkook is so happy to see his mom and dad happy . Mrs Jeon hug Mr Jeon. Looking this jungkook say.

Jk: I am ready to marry but I have one condition .

Mr Jeon and Mrs Jeon looking jungkook than Mrs Jeon say .

Mrs Jeon:  yes  tell us  ,we gonna do what you want son .i promise .

Listen This jungkook say.

Jk: the condition is i gonna marry today  and the marry gonna simple that is .

Mrs Jeon nodded her head and speak.

Mrs Jeon : ok if you want to marry today so give us two hours  we gonna prepare everything as you want just tell  , how you want us to prepare you marry , you want to marry in hotel let us to book the hotel......

Jungkook not let finish his mom and say.

Jk: mom i want simple marry,   don't book the hotel , i gonna marry her in the charsh.

Mr Jeon is smail at his son and be proud of him and say.

Mr Jeon: as you want son..

Mrs Jeon also ready to do anything for his son so nodded and she suddenly remembered about y/n so she  say.

Mrs Jeon: ooh i forget about y/n . Honey I go to y/n and you take care of everything ok and jungkook you want to come with me to she your bridal hmmm.

Jungkook smile and say.

Jk: no mom I gonn stay here you can go .

Mrs Jeon: but you know you can see her.

Jk: no mom I gonn meet her at charcha .

Mrs Jeon smile and say bye to son and father and come out inside from the house and sit in the car and go to Lee house  , she is really excited for her son marriage.and other side in house .
Jungkook and Mr Jeon is smail to see Mrs Jeon how excited she is . Mr Jeon  looking jungkook and again hug him and say.

mr & mrs. jeon Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin